Pandora Size Comparison?


Still Fresh
Feb 13, 2010

I remember I saw a pic that Pandora put aside with many handheds around for size comparison.

seems I can't find it anymore (by searching with "pandora size" on forum but no exact what I want).

Anyone still have this pic?
Actually I need to see if it can fit with my UrbanTool bags like hipHolster, caseBelt etc.
Bottom of this page:

Or the source:
My link
And here
Videos,obviously dunno about pics
I'm interested in one showing the screen's physical dimensions in comparison to other devices. However this is a little harder to find the necessary information for, in my experience.
BackAssward said:
You'll also find some on this page.

Incidentally, who updates that site? Seems it hasn't had a new pic in a while.
WhiteBat used to run the photobucket page but had to stop for some reason in mid March. Then Mali kind of took over with the Photobucket Help Thread. Haven't seen Mali in a few weeks though and the help thread has fallen off the front page so fewer people think to add links to the new photos.
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If anyone needs, I can take some pics of Pandora (prototype) compared to .. some common devices. (Wiz, PSP, DS, iphone, coins, garden gnome.) The problem is.. finding something that 'means a useful size' to everyone is actually pretty hard; cans of pop, coins, etc vary all over the place.


old pic:
Compact Discs are the same all over the place, though - that might be a useful object for a size comparison photo. :P
skeezix said:
If anyone needs, I can take some pics of Pandora (prototype) compared to .. some common devices. (Wiz, PSP, DS, iphone, coins, garden gnome.) The problem is.. finding something that 'means a useful size' to everyone is actually pretty hard; cans of pop, coins, etc vary all over the place.

Thanks for the offer, and yeah, what is something universal all over (or at least in most places). I am not suggesting any of the following, just brainstorming:

External 2.5" HD (it is almost the exact same size as my WD one, except thicker), standard size mouse, CD/DVD (or CD/DVD case), 4/6 photograph, GP2X/NDS/iPod, bare nakid 3.5" HD. Ok, ran out of ideas for now.

Edit: Partial :ph34r: by Prometheus.
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skeezix said:
If anyone needs, I can take some pics of Pandora (prototype) compared to .. some common devices.

I don't need it, but that would be nice. Thank you.
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why always comparing to other stuff,

why cant we use a simple ruler?? (now here it comes what kind of ruler inches or Cm's?)
DroneB Dev said:
why always comparing to other stuff,

why cant we use a simple ruler?? (now here it comes what kind of ruler inches or Cm's?)


Dimensions: 140x83x27mm (314 ml) (5.51x3.27x1.06 in)

Used to build a cardboard model. Yes... I'm one of them.
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DroneB Dev said:
why always comparing to other stuff,

why cant we use a simple ruler?? (now here it comes what kind of ruler inches or Cm's?)

Eh, because no one measures the inside of their pockets, but I already know which pockets a DS will fit in.

... ok ... also because we're intellectually lazy.
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dang; stacked a DS-lite on top of the Pandora, and both on top of a Starcraft CD, and trying to get a pic. Its night time here, which is a big pita for lighting when you're trying to get an image that shows 1/4 inch of difference on rounded surfaces.

I'm clueless with cameras; I've got a great, but full automatic of course, digi camera; in macro mode it might get a good shot, but then its too close for anyone to know scale; further away and its impossible to see with rounded edges and lighting.

Guess maybe I can take a pic while at work tomorrow in the day somewhere... but won't have a DS with me then. Hmmm :)

Suffice to say, when the DS Lite is on top of the Pandora, the visible part of the Pandora is the hinge, which comparable to the hinge on the DS Lite; maybe a quarter inch extra width and height.

Sorry, that sucks, but lighting is killing me here :)

skeezix said:
I'm clueless with cameras; I've got a great, but full automatic of course, digi camera; in macro mode it might get a good shot, but then its too close for anyone to know scale; further away and its impossible to see with rounded edges and lighting.

... WE ... DONT ... CARE !!!!! MOAR ... PICTUREZZZZZ!!!!!

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skeezix said:
I'm clueless with cameras; I've got a great, but full automatic of course, digi camera; in macro mode it might get a good shot, but then its too close for anyone to know scale; further away and its impossible to see with rounded edges and lighting.

Guess maybe I can take a pic while at work tomorrow in the day somewhere... but won't have a DS with me then. Hmmm :)

Sorry, that sucks, but lighting is killing me here :)
No worries, we just love that you are trying. As a guy who does a lot of Photography, indoor lighting is what makes the pics look orange (and dark, it is fine for our eyes but actually quite dim compared to daylight). Daylight would give it the normal look. It doesn't have to be outside, just that the ambient light around is daylight, not incandescent bulbs.

Also, I don't think thread is about the roundness of the case, but the dimensions relative to other objects. Oh, and you can fully have a DS with you at any time :P

Thanks again for your effort.
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SomeGuy99 said:

ohhhhhhh I'm gonna have one of those soon!

Dammit I've finally succumbed to premature excitement of actually receiving a Pandora soon. I'm gonna look very silly if anything goes wrong now, especially after the amount of times I've told people off for such behaviour!
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