Pandora Questions And Answers

fischju2000 said:
And don't forget Fatih's shop, (Do I have that right?)
Good call, he never comes around so he completely slipped my mind. As for his shop address, no idea.

I still think it was ~1000 ED got, but I'll be happy to compromise and say it's somewhere between 700-1000. He mentioned the exact number in a forum post a while back, when talking about how many of the first units he was getting... but I doubt I can find it in search.
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It was last year iirc, and 700 is the number I have still in mind. I'll try a search on the German boards.

Yep, here is a reference
and an old one
mali said:
It was last year iirc, and 700 is the number I have still in mind. I'll try a search on the German boards.

Yep, here is a reference
and an old one

Good call, I did a bunch of searches here and could find his post, so I came back to say I might have seen it on the German boards blogs, referencing the German forums. Not being German, for me to find it on the German forums would have been impossible. Happy to be wrong, so long as we have a link to his post, which you graciously provided.

Edit @ Mali: I think where I got confused was where he said (I thought the total was for 4000, so 25% would be 1000 for ED):

Da ich ca. 25 Prozent aller Pandoras verkauft habe, bekomme ich von den ersten 1000 ca. 250 Pandoras zu Verschicken.
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I did have one other question, regarding SNES emulation. I would have liked to have asked it in the forum regarding the PandaSNES emulator, but that thread is closed. But, I've been itching to know if an emulator is planned that will support Mario Paint (touch screen would be so cool) or any of the special catridges like Star Fox? (Sorry for all the questions, I just placed my pre-order last week and am trying to get up-to-speed)
I don't think you will have touch screen support for SNES. But I could be wrong.

It seems alot of work for one game, I'm not sure how many others have that style of game.

Back to my older question: Dreamncast updates anyone? (I've seen the few older threads.. No updates in about 6+ months)
I had a read a few articles about Dreamcast emulation on the Pandora, granted they are aged slightly also:

I know that probably doesn't answer your question, as I too would like to know more information.
A NullDCe project was created on google code by drkIIRaziel, though there aren't any changes logged in. - You can also see the stuff drkIIRaziel has been working on. I don't know anything about ZeZu though.
This may seem like a silly question: are emulated games fully loaded into RAM for playing or will some be dependent on the read/write speed of the SD card you use(or maybe it depends on the emulator and game)? Basically, will the read/write speed affect gameplay or only typical hard drive accesses like copying files, etc? If so, is there a minimum read/write speed you recommend? Although the 32Gb SDs are around 15Mb/s and 16Gb SDs are 30Mb/s which may be more than enough.
Any games that can't be fitted fully into RAM would have to be loaded as and when required from the SD card. This is only going to affect PSX and Dreamcast games. And the speed of the optical drives in those machines are beaten by even a class 2 SD card.
I have a question. I am thinking about getting some nice controllers for my Pandora but I want to make sure they are compatible. Would I be able to play an emulator on Pandora with a PS3 arcade stick (the arcade stick has a cord only, not BT wireless), and maybe at the same time have a 2nd player using a wireless PS3 pad using Blue tooth?
What sort of connection does the stick's cord end in? It's a bit hard to say without knowing that. :P (I ask because I've seen some such things that have a USB connection instead of Sony's connector.)

I'm afraid I don't know about the wireless PlayStation 3 controllers.
@Black Ice: I don't know about the arcade stick, but you could try this with your PS3 controller.

@Prometheus: PS3 controllers use USB/BT, so I don't know what you mean by Sony's connector.
Ah. Sorry, I thought they were still using the same connector as they've always used on their previous identical-looking controllers. :lol:

I don't do business with Sony, so I had no idea they'd dropped it.
kart_racer3 said:
I did have one other question, regarding SNES emulation. I would have liked to have asked it in the forum regarding the PandaSNES emulator, but that thread is closed. But, I've been itching to know if an emulator is planned that will support Mario Paint (touch screen would be so cool) or any of the special catridges like Star Fox? (Sorry for all the questions, I just placed my pre-order last week and am trying to get up-to-speed)

If the emulator does support Star Fox (And the super-sweet Star Fox 2 Beta Rom[Which is nearly 100% complete with the fan made translation and patch]) that would be awesome beyond words.
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Im new here and i have a question. :pandora2ut4:

I cant really understand how to buy a pandora.
If i want one as fast as possible should i preorder or wait for it to be in online stores?
And if i preorder i have to pay without knowing that i will ever get my pandora? :huh:

Sorry if this has been asked before. :)
uluff said:
If i want one as fast as possible should i preorder or wait for it to be in online stores?
Depends on your definition of "fastest".
The earliest way is definitely to send an email to and ask for one. That's Craigix's store. There are a couple other stores, but they're full, Craig says he has a handful of preorders left.
However, if you want to wait the least amount of time between giving money and getting Pandora, then wait for the second batch, which should be about 3 or 4 months after the first batch ships.

uluff said:
And if i preorder i have to pay without knowing that i will ever get my pandora? :huh:
Yeah, that's part of the risk of pre-ordering. OpenPandora is a very new company doing things they *aren't entirely sure of, learning as they go along. There is always a chance that disaster could strike and they go out of business, and your money will be lost, but that's a risk in almost every industry. Look at how many people get stranded every time an airline goes out of business.
The Pandora has been on the cusp of shipping for over a year now, with things coming up (sometimes accidental, sometimes because of inexperience) pushing it back further and further, but now that the parts are actually coming together, there's little that can get in the way of shipping, I think. If you don't want to take the risk, wait for the second batch. If you want your Pandora as soon as possible and aren't afraid of the small chance that your money may be lost, order from the first batch.

*edit: missing word changes sentence completely
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You should take the time to browse the forums a bit, to understand what to expect. Then you can try to get on the preorder list, if you want to.
