Pandora Production In Scotland ?

the UK has a really good contract electronics industry

I know as I started my first job after uni in it

The industry covers everything from full PCB assembly and final casing

My guess it that craig would want to offload nub soldering, and final assembly

try round norfolk (king lynn) lots of small contracting companies who are cheap
Twitter question: who should I fallow for Pandora news? I already fallow Craig, ed and zodttd. are there others?
liquidphantom said:
I don't want my Pandora deep fried in batter thanks

That's more England's thing. Since it's Scotland, I'd say you want to worry about it being delivered inside of a sheep's stomach, since we're going for stereotypes.
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They want to manufacture more Pandora parts in UK, it has nothing to do with first batch assembly, therefore no delays (due to this) will happen from what I've understood.
Klarth said:
They want to manufacture more Pandora parts in UK, it has nothing to do with first batch assembly

Where was this said? It's all been speculation since the first post so far here!
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I think Craig was quite clear on the first page, myself. :P

craigix said:
Maybe PCB population, it's just something I'm looking in to.
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Asmo said:
Klarth said:
They want to manufacture more Pandora parts in UK, it has nothing to do with first batch assembly

Where was this said? It's all been speculation since the first post so far here!
It does not have to be said, it's infered from Craig's line: "[...]see if we can bring more of the Pandora production to the UK."
To me it was never meant to be assembly of first batch made in Scotland. I'm no native speaker and could be wrong, but it's clear for myself.
Oh, and sure, it's all speculation from this quoted line. ;)
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Prometheus said:
I think Craig was quite clear on the first page, myself. :P

Doesn't say anything about parts production or it not being the current batch! Never mind 'maybe'!
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As the current boards are already populated and tested in USA (and 360 boards are already tested, I think 700 are produced), I'd say it's an option for the next batch.

However, with all the places where different parts originate from, we should have a "Built in various wicked places all over the goddamn globe"-Sticker on it ;)
700 are produced? The blog said 1000 had been produced on the 5th of february... Was that a wrong information from the US company?
Xtreme2k said:
700 are produced? The blog said 1000 had been produced on the 5th of february... Was that a wrong information from the US company?

Could it be that 1000 boards have been produced, 700 have been populated and 360 have been populated and tested? Just a guess that would explain all those numbers.
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EvilDragon said:
As the current boards are already populated and tested in USA (and 360 boards are already tested, I think 700 are produced), I'd say it's an option for the next batch.

However, with all the places where different parts originate from, we should have a "Built in various wicked places all over the goddamn globe"-Sticker on it ;)

Made in various wicked places all over the goddamn globe

I'd go for that!
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Nova said:
liquidphantom said:
I don't want my Pandora deep fried in batter thanks

That's more England's thing. Since it's Scotland, I'd say you want to worry about it being delivered inside of a sheep's stomach, since we're going for stereotypes.

*Laughs loudly*

Thanks, needed that :-)
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