Pandora Press\;unofficial Blogarticle - Mass Production Begins&#

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Jan 25, 2008
Just realised that there are no posts on here about MP begnining in fact in the case thread Craig says they will continue with test cases until they are happy.

But i posted in that thread that MP had begun because i read it on the unofficial Pandora blog where the article states

"Just a quickie, teh official current status page has been updated with these few words.

MP has started :)

Thanks Lootic for spotting this."

What happend was someone messing around or had MP started and been stopped? bit confused now.
It was a mistake. To quote the author:

Butterman said:

Good call on the mass production thing commenters, that has been up for a while after I thought about it. Also, you guys are like the flash!
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It was a mistake, he explains it in the unofficial blog thread(see middle link in my sig) :)
sorry folks, thanks for the quick answers i follow the blog on RSS so hadnt seen that. and no retraction article so thought MP had started till earlier on :(
Gruso said:
I go on ONE bender.
You should chronicle it. There may be a market for Sonny and Bender slash :P
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WizardStan said:
Gruso said:
I go on ONE bender.
You should chronicle it. There may be a market for Sonny and Bender slash :P

I'm interested...
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I dont understand what you guys are talking about. I though MP had started?? "Mass Production of 3895 Pandoras MP has started :)" It's on the current status page on Don't you mean assembly?? Now im confused GEEEEEE...thanks.. <_<
Yep, mass production has started as the official status page says. It actually refers to the boards, and has been underway for some time. The problem occurred when someone saw it the other day and took it as new information (they thought it meant that the cases had gone into mass production). This little error lead to a post on the unofficial blog announcing it as news. Oops!

WizardStan said:
You should chronicle it. There may be a market for Sonny and Bender slash :P
I said go on a Bender, not come on one. :o
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shunun said:
I dont understand what you guys are talking about. I though MP had started?? "Mass Production of 3895 Pandoras MP has started :) " It's on the current status page on Don't you mean assembly?? Now im confused GEEEEEE...thanks.. <_<

If they meant assembly that light would be green (the cases approved), and the other "progress" fields would follow suit rather quickly thereafter. Mass production (with yellow light) = parts being produced/finetuned.

Gruso beat me to it, he explains better :P (late night eh)
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Gruso said:
Yep, mass production has started as the official status page says. It actually refers to the boards, and has been underway for some time.

You see that's what i thought.. Anyway, it's good to see some other Australians are on here. Thanks gruso ;)
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