Pandora Pandora Panic


Apr 18, 2007
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Continued from Pandora Dev Forum. It seems like people are taking on the Base Engine posted by PokeParadox, this thread is here to clarify links to base code and what not...Currently the SDL path needs to be added to the compiler via Settings->Compiler...->GNU GCC Compiler-> Search Directories...
Add "C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\include\SDL",
also remove lib3ds from the Linker Settings in Project->Build Options->W32 Debug and W32 Release(if you are using Windows).

Lastly, The actual game specific framework will be available soon...

Pandora Panic Framework (Updated)

For the mean time minigames can be created as their own state.

Its seems a Wario-Ware style game is becoming the favoured option, so the games should be short and sweet. Don't wory about lives in the game, just keep track of whether it passes or fails.

If you get stuck just PM either me or PokeParadox.

Status Update(Update of games added or framework progress):

1. Space Invaders and Ball Catching games have been added to the build.
2. Lives and Game Transitions added, Selection box now works(bit sensitive at the moment)
3. Image Class updated to fully implement rotoZoom, Do A Barrel Roll! game added. (still to be uploaded)
Cameleon said:
Continued from Pandora Dev Forum. It seems like people are taking on the Base Engine posted by PokeParadox, this thread is here to clarify links to base code and what not...Currently the SDL path needs to be added to the compiler via Settings->Compiler...->GNU GCC Compiler-> Search Directories...
Add "C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\include\SDL",
also remove lib3ds from the Linker Settings in Project->Build Options->W32 Debug and W32 Release(if you are using Windows).

Lastly, The actual game specific framework will be available soon...

<Link Here>

For the mean time minigames can be created as their own state.

Its seems a Wario-Ware style game is becoming the favoured option, so the games should be short and sweet. Don't wory about lives in the game, just keep track of whether it passes or fails.

If you get stuck just PM either me or PokeParadox.

Thanks for making this thread!

I doubt there's much I can do to help now except say good luck, and thanks for running this project instead of me!

I was I was good at SOMETHING.
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Well you got the ball rolling...thanks for,at least, that and you got the Pirates :P interested...hopefully it'll turn out to be a great collection of games
I'm editing this post to mirror the first since Cameleon has been too busy to keep it updated.
Continued from Pandora Dev Forum. It seems like people are taking on the Base Engine posted by PokeParadox, this thread is here to clarify links to base code and what not...Currently the SDL path needs to be added to the compiler via Settings->Compiler...->GNU GCC Compiler-> Search Directories...
Add "C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\include\SDL"

If you get stuck just PM either me or PokeParadox. Additionally Todd has a very coherent guide here.
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PokeParadox said:
Yeah, I've been traveling all day, but I did lots of work on the train. But I'll have something ready tomorrow I suspect, but right now I'm really shattered!

Zacaj has a pretty good example of a mini game there, we will integrate that into the MiniGame framework too.
May I ask what's the license of the engine? I may consider to help, but that heavily depends on licenses.
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Basically we're not too fussed about what you do with the source, we hope it's helpful and as long as you don't outright plagiarise our work, do what you want with the base engine.
It uses some LGPL libs, however.

And just an update, I'm nearly finished coding an interface state which will keep track of lives and basically join the minigames together depending on which mode you've selected... and I've already included Zacaj's game. It's taking a but longer because I've been coding with a monster headache to try and get it ready today, but it's not done and I still have a headache, so please just hang on a little longer and keep making your minigames.

I've now finalised how you should exit your MiniGame:
We have a structure for passing variables between states. It's logically called "variables"
all you need to do is set a 1 for passed or 0 for failed into the 0 index of the variables object

variables[0].setInt(0); // MiniGame failed
variables[0].setInt(1); // MiniGame passed!

Following that you set the next state to STATE_MAIN


This main state works out what to do next, so you don't have to worry about it, you don't have to worry about lives or anything. Just concentrate on a nice mini game and just set if you pass or fail then set the STATE_MAIN. :)
is there a posibility to get another topic/place to talk about this project?

I have programming experience but im quite new to some stuff, mostly c(++), and don't want to fill this thread with noob questions ;)
MarkoeZ said:
is there a posibility to get another topic/place to talk about this project?

I have programming experience but im quite new to some stuff, mostly c(++), and don't want to fill this thread with noob questions ;)
i don't think anyone would mind. actually open discussion is better, so everyone can see it and learn from it.
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yeah, but i was thinking about at least 2 topics for posting. One for the framework and one for the individual devs.

Just an idea, i would read both anyway.
Please, you are welcome to keep all discussions in this thread. We'll keep the first post updated, with the latest links, progress, etc. And the thread can just continue with any problems, etc.

Update here too, I have the minigame logic somewhat sorted out, and this morning my headache is gone, so that obviously good news. I should definitely have something to post tonight, and I'll try to write some complete instructions about what you should be doing.

I must say, if you are working on a minigame, please let us know then people can avoid doing the same idea!

Also any musicians? We could do with some victory and failure music for the MiniGame Interface. Also something good for the title screen.

I suspect Sonistar will be helping us with our graphics requirements, but if you are needing resources, then let people know now, so that people can volunteer! :)

EDIT: I'm going to post current progress, don't go into selection mode, since that part's not finished yet. But you have a quick menu for modes, and it has lives and has the basis of random mode, but we only have Zacaj's mini game at present... :P

I will add delays in and such, but I wanted to get the logic finished first before effects.
I did the music for Ruck-Man, Space Varments, Protozoa, Snake on Dope and the new Animatch (coming soon.)
I can do some music for Pandora Panic if no one else wants this project. It just so happens that I pre-ordered a Pandora, so I look forward to working on Pandora games...

Just let me know if the position has been filled or not.
To familiarize myself with the engine tried modify the existing game and setup the environment.
You can find the results here. Added some bounds checking and changed the controls to not kill your keyboard while trying to reach the ball :D .
This includes every file needed to compile pandora panic (Code::Blocks is not included).

It took me some time to figure out which file or directory had to be put together to compile pandora panic correctly.

Maybe PokeParadox can do a similar release for the next version where all unnecessary files are not included(Current CromoZome code could be included with the samples instead).
I've played a bit aroundwith the code and I've created a little mini game. Not really anything special, just a very simple space invaders game (only one alien and one shot).

I've only included the header, cpp file and the sprites so you'll need the download the other files yourself and manipulate the to try the game out :P

The sprites were just some quick dirty placeholders (feel free to change them). As I said before, it was just to try the framework out.

I'm still requesting some info on what type of mini games we should make. Are there certain criteria we must obey? Or does anything goes?

And some quick code questions:

What does Input.resetKeys() exactly?
How can we use the touch screen, Keyboard, analog sticks (other?)? I feel that we should attempt to use all input methods in the mini games (not at once :P).

There's probably a thousand other things to ask about, but I've forgotten them now, so I'm just gonna play Football Manager Live Beta.
billykater said:
Maybe PokeParadox can do a similar release for the next version where all unnecessary files are not included(Current CromoZome code could be included with the samples instead).
Good idea! I'll separate the samples and provide a full Penjin + PandoraPanic package next time.
Also thanks for the tweaks, We'll be sure to add your name to the credits of that minigame! :)

pstudio said:
I've played a bit aroundwith the code and I've created a little mini game. Not really anything special, just a very simple space invaders game (only one alien and one shot).
I'm still requesting some info on what type of mini games we should make. Are there certain criteria we must obey? Or does anything goes?

You are modest, it serves as another good example of how to use the framework! We actually like this minigame quite a lot :D
It basically is "anything goes" but just keep it straight to the point. And keep it "family friendly" ;) But humour is good, if possible.
pstudio said:
And some quick code questions:

What does Input.resetKeys() exactly?
How can we use the touch screen, Keyboard, analog sticks (other?)? I feel that we should attempt to use all input methods in the mini games (not at once :P).
the resetKeys() function wipes that status of the buttons... you don't really need to call it unless you want to make sure the button is only registered once when held. You don't have to use the input object as it's intended for the GP2X (and there is another one for Wiimote), you can use the SDL input function directly, which may be more sensible until we know how to button map the Pandora in SDL!

Keyboard yes, touchscreen may be handled as a mouse in SDL... analogue sticks should be possible, although I haven't written any support for it as yet. Again you'd have to use the SDL functions directly, as opposed to my "easy" input classes.

Please comment your minigames, with your name and the name of the minigame, so that we can give appropriate credits on the credits screen!

I'm going to do some more work on the minigame interfacing, add victory/loss delays so that you have a little time to catch your breath between games, check your lives and current stage, etc.
I also need to add the single game selection screen.

I also have a couple of ideas I'm thinking about... but I want to get the MiniGame engine done before starting anything... :rolleyes: If I have any concrete ideas of what I'm doing minigame-wise, I'll of course let you know.

I must say thanks to everyone that is interested in the project and I hope you are not having too much trouble with our code! :lol:
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How do I setup Code::Blocks (or vim or eclipse or something else) on OS X and Linux to work with this? Is there some dev kit for these platforms or could someone give some instuctions on how to do it manually?
In order to setup Code::Blocks in Linux, you just download and install the relevent packages:
you will also need to make sure you have the dev packages for SDL, SDL_mixer, SDL_TTF, SDL_image, SDL_gfx and also SDL_sound. On Ubuntu it "just works" I'm not sure about other distros or OSX.

Basically the project is setup to be able to compile in Linux, but no Pandora target is (properly) setup yet.

I hope this helps. :)

EDIT: Here is the latest framework. I also separated the PandoraPanic framework from the samples.

PandoraPanic Framework
Penjin3D Samples
thank you, I have just tried to install on OS X yet, and I have problems with getting sdl_gfx-framework to work (from macports, it won't build) but I did get just sdl_gfx to work.

I really don't know but my guess is that the sdl_gfx is used by programs installed via ports and sdl_gfx-framework for xcode and programs installed the usual way, so I tried to install Code::Blocks via ports and it did build and run, but I can't get the window to focus and I can't click on any buttons :S. I'll have to try on linux instead, the support for sdl_gfx on mac don't seem very good and there are no precomiled binaries.
Somebody said noob questions were OK. So here goes!

I installed the CodeBlocks IDE on Linux (Ubuntu) without problems. CodeBlocks picked up the PandoraPanic project without problems. I eventually figured out how to set an appropriate target, et voila! I'm playing with the app! Fabulous!

So I'm working on a dirt-simple game. I used to do a lot in C, though never much in C++. But I'm doing OK so far. I thought it would be a fun exercise, and gratifying to have something of my own, however simple, running on the Pandora. And SDL seems to be quite a nice library.

However, when I call mySprite.setRotation(angle) my (png-based) sprite just disappears. I've tried passing in both degrees and radians (between 0 and 135 degrees). Any hints on how to use this function? I can .setPosition all day long without a problem. But I want to rotate as well!


todd said:
Somebody said noob questions were OK. So here goes!

I installed the CodeBlocks IDE on Linux (Ubuntu) without problems. CodeBlocks picked up the PandoraPanic project without problems. I eventually figured out how to set an appropriate target, et voila! I'm playing with the app! Fabulous!

So I'm working on a dirt-simple game. I used to do a lot in C, though never much in C++. But I'm doing OK so far. I thought it would be a fun exercise, and gratifying to have something of my own, however simple, running on the Pandora. And SDL seems to be quite a nice library.

However, when I call mySprite.setRotation(angle) my (png-based) sprite just disappears. I've tried passing in both degrees and radians (between 0 and 135 degrees). Any hints on how to use this function? I can .setPosition all day long without a problem. But I want to rotate as well!



Many apologies because you are doing NOTHING wrong there. I do believe it is in radians. The problem is a bug in that version of the code, it has been fixed by Cameleon very recently. It's in the SVN. I need to update the archive here so that you can use the fixed code.

Basically I advise you to work on an idea that doesn't involve rotation for the time being! I'll release the fixed version as soon as I can.

Again sorry if you thought it was something you were doing wrong! I haven't personally needed the rotozoom functions so bugs have slipped through the net... ok just so anyone doesn't get frustrated:

There is a bug in the sprite rotation code! This will be fixed by a framework archive update as soon a possible. Sorry if you have been hitting your head against the keyboard in frustration with trying to rotate your sprites!
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