Pandora Os Snippets


Still Fresh
Oct 29, 2008
Mid Wales (In the mountains)
On the developer blog in the Pandora OS Snippet 1 text EvilDragon states,

Within the next days, I'll be constantly releasing small snippets of the Pandora OS.

I'm just wondering when the next one will be, as two videos hardly constitutes 'constantly'.

Anyone care to comment?
From now on EvilDragon will start posting video every 2 hours (that's 24/7). Are you happy now ?

Just kidding.... I am actually really looking forward to the next video.
Seriously, I am sure EvilDragon will post some more. He probably just has to deal with lot's of things right now.
Yeah I agree, I just think that use of words like constantly may only cause more disappointment. I appreciate they are all working really hard to get to the goal. :)
Hehe :)
Remember my posts a few days ago. It was all in there ;)
We reinvented the wheel several times in the last year.