Pandora on Holiday


Still Fresh
Jun 13, 2011
Went of to Vegas Last week for a Week,

I put alot of thought behind what gizmos I need to take with me,

Usually Like to take a laptop in case work has Issues, Mp3 Player for the Poker.

usually use laptop on plane for movies so have to take carry case and accessories for charging in airports.

well I decided to put all my Faith in the Pandora, left all but my phone at home.

From arriving at the Airport 2Hrs ahead of the flight and a 10Hr flight, the Battery life was simply amazing,

the Ipad 2 user next to me lasted a good long while, but ran flat a good 3-4 Hours before landing time,

Think I had upwards of 40% battery life left. He stopped laughing at my screen size once his Ipad was back in his big heavy backpack.

also of note is how nice the pandora is on a plane, it sits on those silly little trays without problem and not falling over when ever the person in front moves their seat up and down. My laptops would never quite fit right and as for the Tablet users constantly trying to prop up against the seat in front.

While fortunately I didn't have any Work related problems while I was away, I did check in, SSh and VNC worked rather well.

I didn't last long enough in the Poker to really test out the MP3 side of things, but it did its jobs and I've no complaints.

All in All The Pandora is the Perfect travelling companion, did all I could ask, without even once coming close to going flat.

Being able to walk on a plane without lugging around laptop bags and accessories is simply priceless.

I carry one of mine everywhere I go. Its amazing to be able to bust out a little computer sometimes .. ;)
Same here. I'm never without it.....don't always use it....but never without it!

I didn't wait for this baby for over two years just to ditch her....this has gone way past the engagement period...was that a pandora quick start quide in the box or a wedding certificate....must check....

mine is going on its first vacation tomorrow, to Ceder Point that is, think i should take the chance and try to get a picture of it during a rollercoaster ride they have on them for sale?
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^ I think the chance of losing it is fairly high, that way. :lol: I can't say I would do that, personally.
thing hasnt left my hands since i got it, i doubt gravity/velocity can take it away from me, plus theres a place for wrist strap
You've seen that Final Destination at the Theme park right?