Pandora Logo?

Squidge said:
I wonder which will get the Stealth Bagel seal of approval ;)
I wonder who CARES what SB approves of, or if he approves of anything at all. ^_^

I definitely favor the last one for all the reasons already mentioned. It has a relatively feminine look to it (without looking TOO feminine in my opinion) and the graphic bit looks nice and descriptive of the whole idea of going in several directions. Also, it looks very very clean, which fits the design of the Pandora itself.

I had a thought just now of something to build on that graphic... I'll get back to you on that.
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I love the third one, it's just so cool. It has such a great feel, I just don't know how to express it with words.

The P letter can be represented as an open box downside.

Just something like this, but with a good design (not ascii-art, of course) XD:

/ /
| | |
| | |
| | /
| |
| |
| /
Alex. said:
Here's a little something from me, I tried to incorporate p&|a in
Very witty, you incorporated it rather well. I could see this making a very attractive logo; especially if it were engraved into the top screen.
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cauterize: the one people are calling feminine, i don't like the symbol used there. i don't think it says anything about the device, and also it's something i see used in a lot of places, i'd rather see something completely unique. the font is rezland right? i like it.

alex, you were right, the V shape looks cool in a solid color.

keep posting ideas guys. i'm working on some stuff right now...
Alex. said:
Here's a little something from me, I tried to incorporate p&|a in

This I like and dislike at the same time. I think this is the right track if we want P&|a there, but somehow at the same time it reminds me of the old Safeway signs, and lacks the cleanness of the Pandora<Sign> ones from Cauterize. Nice shot, though :)
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Alex. said:
Here's a little something from me, I tried to incorporate p&|a in


Maybe the &| in a lighter shade, #CCCCCC? Or is that CCCCCC? its hard to tell on this monitor. Anyways, I think a lighter color would make it less noticable but still impactable...
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rokdcasbah said:
nice one alex.


i'll call this "the retro one". i'm trying to remember who it reminds me of. maybe intellivision?

Reminds me of Coleco, with a Nike symbol under it.

EDIT: Also a little like Nintendo.
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Here's my attempt. I had the Playstation symbol-labeled buttons in mind when I designed it. I don't know if i would use it personally, for buttons or a logo, but I figured I'd post it anyway.

I'm really impressed by the last several submissions. Very professional. Alex's Pandora/P&|A combo is probably my favorite, but most of these would be acceptable.

I would, however, suggest against embossing the logo (whichever is chosen) on the cover. No matter how professional the logo looks, nothing is going to be more professional than a slick, clean device.

In the end, the logo is really a non-issue. If Pandora is a capable as we have been led to believe, if it will run all the games and apps that we want, if it provides us with the power and flexibility that the specs lead us to expect, then people will buy it no matter what the logo looks like. If Pandora somehow does not live up to expectations, no amount of flashy logos or mascots will make up for its shortcomings.
it would probably be pretty stupid and maybe a little more expensive, but just have one of those hologram thingies that says pandora but when you tilt it a different direction it turns into p&|a
Linkous said:
it would probably be pretty stupid and maybe a little more expensive, but just have one of those hologram thingies that says pandora but when you tilt it a different direction it turns into p&|a
i think you're talking about a lenticular...i'm suprised to hear from someone that likes them :)

the 3d kind are pretty cool imo, but the kind that switch from one still to another sort of bug me. probably cause you only see them on the case for a terrible vhs or dvd these days :D
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