Pandora leaflets for advertising preorders.

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
Would someone please consider making a downloadable Pandora leaflet with colour pictures and info about the pandora and where to preorder it, etc. As a pdf file or something.Then each of us can print off leaflets from our printers at home and distribute them to shops colleges,billboards etc. It should contain a back and front so that we can print on both sides.

The leaflet can be in 2 or 3 sections with an appropriate line for us to fold the printed sheet into a leaflet.This would be excellent and cheap advertising for the pandora preorders.I dont have the know how to do this but if someone here doesent volunteer With evildragons and craigs permission of course then i will ask or pay a friend to do this. :)
It's not hard to do it with something like Microsoft Publisher, Adobe InDesign or alternative. I don't have time at the moment to do it, but I could if no one else picks this up.
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I can't help with designing these or anything, but I'd be happy to proof-read any text. :P

Also, I would recommend not printing them from your home printer, but using FilePrint. You simply provide them with your document *at the correct size* in JPEG format (this is why the service is low-cost - you have to sort out the setting and whatnot yourself), and you can get one or as many as you like professionally printed. (It actually negates the need for a colour printer, for me. :lol: )
I can't help with designing these or anything, but I'd be happy to proof-read any text. :P

Also, I would recommend not printing them from your home printer, but using FilePrint. You simply provide them with your document *at the correct size* in JPEG format (this is why the service is low-cost - you have to sort out the setting and whatnot yourself), and you can get one or as many as you like professionally printed. (It actually negates the need for a colour printer, for me. :lol: )
Sounds interesting but if the jpeg leaflet as a dowloadable file was on the pandora site then everyone could print off a few and advertise the pandora.Not just me on my todd.If need be ill get a friend to do it and get edds permission to put it on the pandora website. :)
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I think ED is wanting to keep things a little low key at the moment and only really advertise the pre orders to those subscribed to the news letter. He has said that he only really want to ramp up the advertising when there is a definite supply of Pandas available.
If someone would design a nice leaflet I could arrange professional printing of those and send these to anyone who wants to help spread the word :)

However, this should not happen before mid / end November. By that time, the prototypes should be there, it's just before christmas, and production run should happen in January, so it's not too far off.

Of course, we could already design them upfront :)
Hm, I'm wondering if it might be worthwhile doing two versions of it. There are two sides of the Pandora: gaming and pocket-computer. You might want to advertise it where you work for example, and there you might want to focus more on the "you can do work with it" rather than "wohoo, PS1 Emulator!" :)
apparently, the list of pre-orders is no longer needed to attract investors then?
If someone would design a nice leaflet I could arrange professional printing of those and send these to anyone who wants to help spread the word :)

However, this should not happen before mid / end November. By that time, the prototypes should be there, it's just before christmas, and production run should happen in January, so it's not too far off.

Of course, we could already design them upfront :)
I see.But printing them yourself edd would cost you more money.A nice downloadable leaflet that can be printed off at home by us the community might be an easier way. I mean most of us probably have colour printers nowadays cos they are so cheap to buy.Of course the leaflets shouldnt be available until mid/end november like you say.I might be able to get it done with the help of a friend.Will let ye know. :)
^ Agreed. And I'd get mine done with FilePrint, as mentioned above.

Don't take on the printing and distribution costs for something we can do for you. :P
Yeah im gonna get microsoft publisher and see what i can do with the help of a friend to make a downloadable leaflet.Ive got nothing else to do as im looking for work at the moment. Anyone need a good Chef? :lol:
Cant get this crappy ad out of my head for the Pandora. Im seeing a closed Pandora floating in space just like the monolith in 2001 . Then it opens and a nearby astronaught looking in amazement says "Oh my God , its full of emulators". Would have been perfect in the 80's ie era of the stupid console ads

That said, does anyone have any ideas for an add that might go on the front of the leaflet?
I was thinking of keeping it simple. but maybe a catchline like my pandora is an amiga,my pandora is a psx etc.Nice clear pics from edds pr pic package. A specs rundown. Describe it as a handheld linux pc and games console.Use terms like unique and such.

and of course links to the website.Thats just off the top of my head though. Nice colours maybe a swirling constellation aura effect.

I will look into this with a friend.Im kind of excited about the idea now.will have to stay away from mentioning roms and such though,obviously. Hmm maybe some pics of classic game characters if thats legally acceptable.
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Including a QR Code that points to would probably be worthwhile - the usage of them on mobile telephones is quite common now, and it would be handy for people to be able to scan using their phone and take a look at the website right on the spot.

You wouldn't be able to get away with classic game characters. I'm not even sure if you'd be able to get away with a Captain Ersatz like the horrible ones that Datel used to use on the packaging for their cheat devices and the like. :lol: (NOTE: Auction link is of no association. It was just the first one I found which featured Datel's icky old mascot.)
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Being a amateur graphic designer, I would love to do something like this for OP.

You can see some of my work here. I also recently created a logo for a local company that you can check out here (Without the name of the company, to try and keep my location some-what secret. :P )

However, my schooling these past few weeks has been pretty brutal. I'll see what I can whip up in my spare time.

Who are you guys trying to appeal to? Male Retro Gamers in their 20's-30's? A Little guidance would help it turn out better.

(Note: A realize that other posters here have given some direction, but I need a little more.)

P.S. It'd be pretty hilarious if it said something like: "So You've finally discovered the Pandora" at the top. I mean, it's very unlikely they would be receiving a leaflet unless it was from someone who owned or planned to own one.
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I would also like a version intended to be used with a non color printer (less shading and black white (not greyscale) images
Including a QR Code that points to would probably be worthwhile - the usage of them on mobile telephones is quite common now, and it would be handy for people to be able to scan using their phone and take a look at the website right on the spot.

You wouldn't be able to get away with classic game characters. I'm not even sure if you'd be able to get away with a Captain Ersatz like the horrible ones that Datel used to use on the packaging for their cheat devices and the like. :lol: (NOTE: Auction link is of no association. It was just the first one I found which featured Datel's icky old mascot.)
That Datel mascot is so generic.He looks like the child you wish you'd never had. :lol: