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Advanced Member
Oct 18, 2009
I think a good way to sell more pandoras is to advertise it in several gaming boards. At best in fan boards of games like Quake3, Baldurs Gate, Diablo2, Freespace etc. . Maybe buy a banner for a month for 50$. And or modify this post and post it into the forums. Maybe even in the blizzard boards when star craft and d2 runs well with qemu + glshim. I won't do anything more then making this template.

Topic title:

Play [inster game title] on Nintendo DS sized laptop

e.g. Play Jedi Knight 2 on Nintendo DS sized laptop


[insert Video or screenshot with youtube link of the game being played on the Pandora]

Is playing the original Jedi Knight 2 [insert game title] on a Nintendo DS possible? No it isn't. But it is possible to play it on the Pandora. It is a mini laptop. It has the size of the a Nintendo DS, a build in game pad, a full keyboard, and 1 ghz cpu, 512 MB ram and an additional 200 mhz graphics card. You can play standing in the bus, sitting in the train or while lieing in bed.

It can run the normal stuff a laptop can run (open office, firefox, vlc player, etc.). But it also runs your classic games. It uses an arm cpu (which needs way less power), so it can run for over 10 hours while playing Jedi Knight 2. The drawback is that not all classic games are supported. The positive point is, that there lots of emulators avaible which can be played like on a real handheld console. It runs android games of course too.

It runs on linux (angstrom) or android (you can change the operating system yourself easily). And you can run other distros too (debian, slackware, etc).

A list of top 5 pc games:

Jedi Knight 2+3

Freespace 1+2

Baldurs Gate 1+2


Return to Castle Wolfenstein + Enemy Territory

Old Shool and indy games:

Duke Nukem 3D


Super Hexagon

Alien vs. Predator

Here is a short, incomplete list of the emulators:

Nintendo DS

Playstation 1



Super Nintendo

Gameboy Advanced

Gameboy + Gameboy Color

Sega Mega Drive


Announced Games:
Diablo 2

Heretic 2

Heroes of Might and Magic 3

It starts at 200$ for a 600 mhz / 256 mb ram model without wlan. More features are more expensive. Have a look at youtube [] for playing several games on the Pandora and buy it from europe at: or from north america at:
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None of the Jedi Knight games were ever on DS.. this hurts my head.

Who is doing ports of Diablo 2 and Heretic 2? both are not open sourced.. Heretic 2 while it runs on a modified idtech 2 engine and had an x86 linux port long ago from Loki Games, the source was never released. if you are talking about running it on wine, that's not really a port ..
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Who is doing ports of Diablo 2 and Heretic 2? both are not open sourced.. if you are talking wine that's not really a port.
True and maybe I were too optimistic :( . But anyway, if it can be emulated, it can played. Maybe it should not be named ports, but "announced games" or something. Lunixbochs said, that D2 is probably able to run fullspeed. Heretic 2 had a problem with the resolution (800x480) I believe.

What do you think about the template and the idea in general?
dont forget duke nukem 3d and rest of 3d realms stuff, plus Quake 3 and Aliens VS Predators I craped my pants when I saw it running on pandora and you should also insist with the open source games and the indiegames (aquaria, vvvv, cave story and frogatto)
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None of the Jedi Knight games were ever on DS.. this hurts my head.
Yes this is the catch phrase. "Jedi Knight 2 on a Nintendo DS? No way!" And after a short read, the people know "ah on a Nintendo DS sized laptop".

Is playing the original [insert game title] on a Nintendo DS possible? No it isn't. But it is possible to play it on the Pandora.

Well as long as it's carrying proper and accurate information sure why not..
What would you change?
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I suppose nothing at the moment, I was still wrapping my head around the faults in why your associating the DS to games that didn't play on it to get the concept of what you were trying to do.

so I guess carry on.
People don't like being given first impressions that are straight-out incorrect.

I'd also advise against telling people is a DS - Big N might get grumpy, and people are likely to overlook the useful aspects of the pandora.
I suppose nothing at the moment, I was still wrapping my head around the faults in why your associating the DS to games that didn't play on it to get the concept of what you were trying to do.
My idea is to make people think about, how cool it would be to play their favourite games on a nintendo DS which fits in every ones pocket. And then tell them it is possible. Not to play on a DS. But play on something which fits in every ones pocket.

People don't like being given first impressions that are straight-out incorrect.
True maybe you should learn from craig what false announcements do. Would this be better?

[inster game title] on Nintendo DS sized laptop?
People don't like being given first impressions that are straight-out incorrect.
True maybe you should learn from craig what false announcements do. Would this be better?

[inster game title] on Nintendo DS sized laptop?
a) Create distrust, hatred and threats of legal action?

B) Yes - but how about "Fullspeed emulation of <number> different consoles on a convenient pocket computer"

Edit: Pretend that emoticon is really a lowercase 'b' and a close-paren - this forum software is too clever by half!
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Sorry for my bad English. "True maybe you should learn from craig what false announcements do." The you did not mean you Binky, but everyone. The German word "man". My teacher told me long time ago, that you can use "you" for "everybody" in some sentences. Well looks like I used it the wrong way. I wanted to say: "Everyone can learn from Craig, that being dishonest means a lot of trouble.".

b ) Yes - but how about "Fullspeed emulation of <number> different consoles on a convenient pocket computer"
Offtopic in a Gaming Board. On is a thread named:

Play Baldurs Gate everywhere on Nintendo DS sized laptop

better then:

Fullspeed emulation of 10 different consoles on a convenient pocket computer

I wanted to suggest to target gaming boards of classic games.
Fair enough :)

Thou knowest that English used to have a second-person singular? :P
Certainly I see a lot of gaming sites with all sorts of boring headlines and articles constantly streaming through, at one point there was the occasionally Pandora article, normally negativity about the device still not being out etc. it would be very cool to get Pandora news flooding onto lots of sites, with articles along the lines of the first post. I like the idea that instead of just advertising the Pandora as the point of the article instead it is 'Hey, software X runs great on DS sized handheld', because there can obviously be a lot of articles on the same site with different software.

I certainly feel like recently there has been a lot of very cool things happening on the Pandora, enough really cool games to keep you buy until Christmas 2015.
True, at best buy banners on big forums and gaming sites. Especally Diablo, Jedi Knight and Baldurs Gate Fan sites. Write an article (maybe with my template :P ), use a cool video showing the game, post it into the board or on the site. With a paid banner the article will be promoted and more people would see it.
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