Pandora In Linux Format

hobbyman II

Sep 7, 2008
page 8 of Linux format for this month has our Pandora mentioned in an half page article, expect new queries about "can it run Halo?" "why not windows?" and "PSP duz ths BETAR!!!!!!" in 5...4...3...2.........

seriously, at least the article is 90% right, although they quote the main page 600mhz clockspeed as fact, it's also "eclipsed" by the Iphone and Google1, you'd think a dead tree's publisher would take the time to mail ED or Craigx.
There was a thread about this article before, although I don't have a link to hand right now. Anyway, 90% right is pretty good, by Linux Format's standards on covering devices in this vein. :P
Prometheus said:
There was a thread about this article before, although I don't have a link to hand right now. Anyway, 90% right is pretty good, by Linux Format's standards on covering devices in this vein. :P

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Yeah, dead tree publishing is, well, dead. Little slips up like this can't ever be corrected. The next issue correcting mistakes just doesn't do it.
AFAIK the iphone 3GS uses a very similar SOC (cortex A8+ GFX) but does not have a DSP. So I think it should in fact be worse performance, though this is a little subjective.

The snapdragon also does not have a DSP.

Someone should write and tell Linux Format they got their facts wrong. Although I do not buy it any more (I have issue 1 to 100-something, with a few missing) I do expect them to get their facts right, especially when you'd think they would support a device that sports Open Source software over the iphone, or at least take the time to check.

Mind you, I haven't seen the article.
I've been ignored when writing to Linux Format with corrections previously (anyone remember the piece on DS Linux, where they claimed that installing DS Linux rendered both a DS and a DS Lite incapable of playing DS games? :lol: ). I doubt anyone who does so will be listened to, unfortunately.


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It's one of the most error ridden magazines I've ever read. I guess they just put it together in their spare time while working on more game orientated magazines.
I wouldn't want to lambast Linux Format too much as I think it's a great magazine, I'm a subscriber. However there do appears to be a lack of fact checking on these sort of news stories (even that review of the Wiz for instance).

No harm meant though, I'm sure they'd be a fervent supporter and would love a review unit, quite the market too. They've reviewed the Wiz and the GP2X in the past.
I've stopped buying Linux Format due to the lack of fact-checking, myself. They also stated in a preview of a device that the Pandora, GP2X, and another device I forget were Linux devices that had, in their words, "failed to set the world on fire", without checking to be sure that they were all actually available... :P That doesn't sound much like fervent support to me (amusingly, as a side-note, the device they were hyping is now no longer exclusively Linux-based).

I find that sort of inaccuracy very off-putting - if they don't get the facts about that right, or the facts about DS Linux right, or the facts about the Wiz right, what else aren't they getting right?
This is for every magazine that ever got any information wrong!


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I think it's fair to have a few errors in a magazine/newspaper article - better to have something written dispassionately with slight errors than have a fanboy write a technically accurate review.
A few errors is fine, outright misinformation, like the DS Linux piece, is not. :P
At the height of the GP2X they claimed it had failed due to lack of commercial support. This was when the sales were at their height.

It's amazing a Linux magazine could print something like that.
There's only one proper response: to kick ass once the Pandora is released and have unique titles that don't exist anywhere else.

Pandora-exclusive apps for the win!
I took them too task on their forums when they had a boxout section of the readers letters page devoted to slagging off the eeePC, both readers letters where wrong, one said eeePC didn't support 3G modems, the other claimed the Linux distro was unstable and not ready for release, then he went on to admit he had been "Improving" configuration and replacing core files :rolleyes:

when I complained they said I was trolling, there was nothing wrong with the page layout, and the letters where correct as far as they where concerned, I still get LF, but only for the cover disks and a quick skim through (news section is often months behind the Internet though) , I'm on 3G internet, so a coverdisk distro is cheaper than downloading a ISO, only real reason I buy it.

hah! here it be......

linky thingy

there's been a few more posts since I was there in 08, gosh how time flies :o
I think their fault with reviewing the GP2X is that they took it as a competitor to established handheld games consoles from the likes of Sony and Nintendo -- clearly they're after different markets.

Their news section is often behind but they sometimes cover things which I otherwise would've missed.

Their tutorials and reviews though I find pretty good.