Pandora In Linux Format


Nov 17, 2005
The Pandora got a few lines in this month's linux format ( in the embeded section ), mostly saying it's not 'appeared' yet and that it was promised by the end of the year.

Dunno if Craig and the gang ( sound like an eighties band :) )are going to send them a review unit, but LXF was quite enthusistic about the GP2X.

Anyhoo just thought i'd remark on it.

Nice, getting some publicity in the Linux community is always nice. Publications such as LXF generally have more experienced Linux users, and would probably pull in people who could help the community with development and the like.
I have been looking for a copy of Linux Format since last weekend. I was on holiday in Sweden and saw it including a big section on music software for Ubuntu (hoping that hey, maybe something similar would work for the Pandora at some point in the future) but since getting back to the UK, haven't seen it about. Admittedly I havent really looked hard enough, but should places like WHSmiths stock it?

I think major press exposure for the second and third batches could be brilliant for the Pandora, and with the first batch all done, I expect things would run a lot more smoothly.
I've missed out on the last 3 copies of LXF unfortunately. They've been running a series of tutorials for creating games using Python that I'd like to read. Nothing too fancy, just the basics, but useful all the same.

They sometimes save the tutorials as PDF's and let you download them from the site but I don't know if they do that with all of them or not? I'll let people know if I find them though :)

@RenegadeChic - yeah WHSmiths normally stocks them. The main one in Bradford and the one in the White Rose Centre in Leeds do anyway (UK of course).

EDIT: Here's the link to the LXF tutorials section. Looks like they don't let you have them for free until they have completed all the tutorials in the series.

Here's the link to the PDF section. There is at least one tutorial in there for PYGame :)
This is cool, for the reasons everyone else has already stated.

Also, that reminds me, I need to pick up the current issue. :P

@RenegadeChic - In addition to WH Smith, I've also found that some of the larger Asda stores stock it, too (not all of them, though).