.mod swap!(so we can find good music to listen to)

dj jesus

Still Fresh
Jun 29, 2003
I got the mikmod player for gp32 and it is quite good, and i loaded a bunch of mods up on it to listen to at work today.. but i realized that i have been listening to the same mods for the last 10 years!! So i want something new to listen to, but have no idea what is good or where to get it, so i thought.. if everybody on the gp32 boards who listens to mods posts their top 10 favourite mods, and includes download links, then everybody will be able to share music and all our lives will be enriched! so... here is my list.. i have also uploaded the mods to some webspace and included download links. enjoy!

DJ Jesus' top 10 mods of all Time:

#1 - "Wizardry" by Jester of Sanity
Man, this is just an amazing song, very beautiful lead instrument with a mysterious melody, great harmony on the pads, very interesting bongo type drums, the song flows very well and doesn't get old.. ever. i've been loving it for 10 years now!
Wizardry Download

#2 - "The Black Kiss" by Teo
Lush chiptune with a very catchy bassline and melody, excellent song.
Black Kiss Download

#3 - "Anarchy Flowerpower" by Jester of Sanity
Another Jester song.. he just writes really good songs :) but this is no hippie music, very energetic demo-tune-like song with some interesting but beautiful chord progressions.
Anarchy Flowerpower Download

#4 - "Lollypop" by Rolex
Very very hard/noisy gabber. Some people might not even consider this music, but it is so good.. the breakbeat in the back gives it an incredibly driving rhythm and the distortion keeps it hard. Very different from my other choices but amazing if you like hard music.
Lollypop Download

#5 - "Klim's theme" by u4ia
Well composed piano music, uses lots of arpegios on the melody in the background. Beautiful and haunting.. It is sad because it is dedicated to his friend who committed suicide :(
Klim's Theme Download

#6 - "Phantasmagoria ntii" by 4-mat
Strange and dark tune. Very cool lead synths give it a unique flavour. You've probably never heard anything like this. :)
Phantasmagoria ntii download

#7 - "Escape from suicide" by Pirat
Excellent bass-filled tune with wicked rolling torn up amen breakbeats. It's stuff like this that got me interested in drum&bass 8 years ago.
Escape from Suicide Download

#8 - "Poils aux nez x-tend" by David Gerber
Ahhh the memories of David Gerber... when i started listening to mods i got a lot of hardcore like this (very hard hardcore) with killer breakbeats, hoover synths, and lots of random samples of people speaking in german. excellent. :D
Poils aux nez x-tend Download

#9 - "Take me to the moon" by gruesse denn holger (i think?)
Driving hard/melodic trance tune. Sounds very good for the time (1995), sounds like you could still hear this in a club today :) It's a little lengthy but definitely worth a listen. Maybe for those times when you are trying to fly to the moon :)
Take me to the moon Download

#10 - "Demonic Sensation" by Timelord
Chosen for novelty value, the song uses a lot of samples straight from the game DOOM! it's pretty interesting, machine guns for the rhythm section, lots of beasties dying. Very cool for Doom fans. :)
Demonic Sensation Download

or... if you don't want to download them all seperately, i included them all in one zip:
Click here to download all 10 mods

So... anybody else who loves your mods... let's hear your picks!

and.. hopefully there will be an .s3m/.it/.xm player soon and we will be able to listen to even more music!
Wow, nice selection. where does everyone usually put all these .mod files is it in gpmm://mods cos i plan on put some mods in my game and it would be cool if games could share mods to save space :)
They're sort of a combination.

A .MOD file has the information on how to play the music (like a MIDI) and has the sampled instruments (WAVs) within it. They're made using "tracking" software (NoiseTracker, ScreamTracker, ProTracker, etc.)
Yes, I would liken the MODs to MIDIs with custom WAV instrument sounds instead of the built-in sound card's sounds.

Does CHN's amiga modplayer play any of these?

Finally, thanks DJ for the collection. The 10 in one zip file was especially thoughtful. I will be checking all of these out with Winamp :D
cool, glad you guys are enjoying them. i'll have to check out that back to roots site :)
dj jesus posted on Jul 15 2003 said:
there is an XM and IT player on gp32!?! what is it?
These are similar like mods, but more advanced (they were invented on the PC).
e.g. they use 16 bit samples, more than 4 tracks, etc.
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Very nice post DJ Jesus! I really liked that you put all files for download aswell, so we don't have to search around for the mods.

As for my favories, well guess I'll have to dig out the CD-R with my mod-collection and go through it. Ahh. good old Amiga mods. Nostaligia!
wow sweet, i had no idea mik could play .it's and .xm's.. i am going to have to post all the ITs i made now! sometime this weekend when i have time :)
after i take it jogging with me listen to some sweet jungle .xm's :ph34r: :D
Well, here are my favourites, for what they're worth:

Alien music from Star Control 2 (1.32 mb, but it's worth it :) ):
Star Control 2 was said to have one of the top 10 soundtracks in a game by Gamespot.
My personal favourites are: Yehat, Spathi, Slylandro, Pkunk, Mycon, Realspace, Quasispace, Outfit Starship, Melnorme, Kohr-Ah, Commander

Zak Mckracken 2 intro music (xm):

EDIT: Well, I've downloaded all of the MOD, Xm and IT selections that you guys have posted; my favourites so far have all been from dj jesus's selections. You're right, though; I don't think that Lollypop is music ;) .
Wizardry, The Black Kiss, Anarchy Flowerpower, Klim's theme, Phantasmogoria, Take Me to the Moon, Demonic Sensation, however, will definetely be staying in my collection.
Klim's theme and Phantasmogoria are just amazing, and the first three that I listed aren't far behind...

You wouldn't have any more like these, would you? ;) :P
well, now that i know it plays S3M, XM and IT, of course i'll post some more top picks soon!!