Pandora Homebrew Projects


Feb 28, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Some time in the next few weeks I'd like to do a feature article of sorts on the blog, covering the various homebrew projects in the pipeline. It won't be too elaborate; just a paragraph, image, and link for each game. This is the list I have so far:

- Pandora Panic
- Pandora Pool Panic*
- Human Condition (formerly TINCS)
- Galactic Artifact
- Zomb'd
- Nail's Adventure
- PanMMO (new title pending..?)
- Onee-Sama Tasukete
- We Come In Peace (formerly Galacon/Intergalactic)
- Superluminal
- Lerp
- Battle Jewels*

*Technically a port, but it's from within the GP32X scene and being done by the original dev.

If there's anything I've missed, or if you're a dev with something in the works, post here. I'd like to stick with projects that are well and truly in motion, ie. games that Pandora owners are likely to get their hands on before too long. If you're working on something but withholding an announcement, and would like it included, feel free to PM me. Mum's the word and all that.

I'm just looking at homebrew for now, it's going to be a "Pandora originals" kind of thang. :)
(Did you change the spelling, or is that a wee typo?)
I don't even know anymore.... I think i'll keep it as it is in my previous comment.

PS: Great idea. I'm sure plenty of coders will appreciate it.
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How about some of the homebrew-ish/indy ports - caster (confirmed port) and I believe there was a strong possibility of lugaru, but don't know if it's actually being ported yet. And what about other ports like quake? I guess it depends on what the purpose of the blog post is... if its to talk about pandora specific homebrew then I guess those are out, but if its about what is likely to be available at launch these things may be relevant. So, sorry if I'm off the mark here!
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'Gruso' said:
If there's anything I've missed, or if you're a dev with something in the works, post here. I'd like to stick with projects that are well and truly in motion
There's Lerp, my physics-morphing-puzzle-platformer thing, although it's still in early stages, I'm hoping to get the main engine finished soon so I can start building content. The last hurdle is porting all the raw rotozoom code (that's pretty slow) to use GL quads instead


Once that's done, I'll have to get it building under Angstrom, and get someone with kit to give it a run, and give me some performance feedback (as there's no point if the pandora can't run it at a solid framerate!)
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Oh I remember Lerp now. (I say that like it was a year ago). Those videos are great, we MUST have this game. :D

'EdCa22' said:
How about some of the homebrew-ish/indy ports - caster (confirmed port) and I believe there was a strong possibility of lugaru, but don't know if it's actually being ported yet. And what about other ports like quake? I guess it depends on what the purpose of the blog post is... if its to talk about pandora specific homebrew then I guess those are out, but if its about what is likely to be available at launch these things may be relevant. So, sorry if I'm off the mark here!

The goal for this first one is to showcase what the community is building from scratch. You're right though, ports need love too. Perhaps the homebrew feature will be the first in a series. :)
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Great idea Gruso. Thanks again for the name post, got a bunch of good ideas from it. Would I be able to write up a feature or two? :D

Lerp looks so hawt. Can't wait for that.

I really can't wait until summer, when I can start working on some touchscreen homebrew ideas I've got along side TINCS. Just don't have the time at the moment.
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ZiB is a project I'm looking forward too, but I don't know if your looking for things other than games.
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A very good idea. I don't think many people appreciate that there's that many side-projects going on, hidden away in the subforums.
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What happened to "We come in peace" I think was the name of it?
Saw it on youtube some weeks back.
Butterman: For sure, if there's an area of development that warrants a little feature article then you got the powa.

RajTakhar: Not a bad idea, I'd forgotten about Streak's fanzine (Mazza is right, there is quite a lot going on around the place). I guess if the blog is highlighting game releases, Streak reviewing them would be a natural progression. Hopefully he's taking notes.

Dimacus: Keep us informed!

Izolo: Zib is looking good, yeah. I'm just looking at games for this article, but every release will get a news item as it lands anyway. :)

Kaze: Intrigued... find out more if you can.
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Just bumping so I can keep my information current. :) I'm deliberately holding off on this, because I'd like it to go up on the blog at around shipping time.

I've added Battle Jewels to the list, and also updated the game titles for Human Condition and We Come In Peace. If I've missed any, please let me know. Just to reiterate what I'm after: basically I want to feature Pandora "exclusive" homebrew games. The definition of exclusive is loose; for example Battle Jewels was released across multiple platforms, but it was written by our own Skeezix and he made it freeware for the GP2X. The idea is that future Pandora owners see what their own community is producing, and outsiders see what they're missing. :D