Pandora Emulation Questions


Still Fresh
Feb 12, 2010
I been browsing these forums since October/November but never registered.. Finally paid off my Pandora Pre-Order today. Yea im excited!!

Anyway.. Main reason im buying this device is for the emulation. Just wanting something handheld that I can play my SNES/PSX roms on and well this is the perfect device to do so..

I was curious if they have confirmed what Emulators will run on Pandora as well as are these emulators created specifically for this device? or will emulators like ZSNES work on it??

I apologize to all if this has been asked/answered already..

Just wanned to say hi, welcome to the forums and congratulations to your preorder :D
your questions has probably been answered when this message is finally sent (GPRS connection) so Im not going to answer them hehe
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Kalico17 said:
I was curious if they have confirmed what Emulators will run on Pandora as well as are these emulators created specifically for this device? or will emulators like ZSNES work on it??

I apologize to all if this has been asked/answered already..


Prepare to be flamed....

But to answer your question simply and hope this thread dies a swift and peaceful death, the emulators must be specifically written/ported for Pandora. Fortunately this isn't that difficult because the emulators already written for the GP2X and other ARM devices will be (relatively) easily ported. High quality SNES and PSX emus should be available shortly after Pandora launch.
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naples39 said:
Kalico17 said:
I was curious if they have confirmed what Emulators will run on Pandora as well as are these emulators created specifically for this device? or will emulators like ZSNES work on it??

I apologize to all if this has been asked/answered already..


Prepare to be flamed....

But to answer your question simply and hope this thread dies a swift and peaceful death, the emulators must be specifically written/ported for Pandora. Fortunately this isn't that difficult because the emulators already written for the GP2X and other ARM devices will be (relatively) easily ported. High quality SNES and PSX emus should be available shortly after Pandora launch.

lol the whole internet flaming thing doesnt really bother me.

good to know tho. i heard somewhere they were trying for a working DC emu which im excited about if possible but i wont get my hopes up..

r00tw00t said:
Just wanned to say hi, welcome to the forums and congratulations to your preorder :D
your questions has probably been answered when this message is finally sent (GPRS connection) so Im not going to answer them hehe

thank you sir :D
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zsnes can probably be ported (I believe that it is open-source), but there will be SNES emulators targeted specifically toward Pandora also.
Patrick R Ludvigsen said:
zsnes can probably be ported (I believe that it is open-source), but there will be SNES emulators targeted specifically toward Pandora also.

ZSNES is open source but can't be (feasibly) ported because it's largely written in x86 only assembly code.
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Hmm odd, I don't see any Regular NES emulators on the list or can Mame handle that?
Exophase said:
Patrick R Ludvigsen said:
zsnes can probably be ported (I believe that it is open-source), but there will be SNES emulators targeted specifically toward Pandora also.

ZSNES is open source but can't be (feasibly) ported because it's largely written in x86 only assembly code.

no bueno... guess ill wait for the SNES emulators to drop from you guys
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welcome to the forums

i heard somewhere they were trying for a working DC emu which im excited about if possible but i wont get my hopes up.

the video on youtube nulldc looks promising will be great to play some of the many great games on the system (Shenmue, Jet Grind Radio, Resident Evil: Code Veronica etc.
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TrashyMG said:
Hmm odd, I don't see any Regular NES emulators on the list or can Mame handle that?

I'm sure LittleJohn will be ported (the developer hangs around here), and there were several other GP2X NES emulators that I'm sure developers will port.
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Exophase said:
Patrick R Ludvigsen said:
zsnes can probably be ported (I believe that it is open-source), but there will be SNES emulators targeted specifically toward Pandora also.

ZSNES is open source but can't be (feasibly) ported because it's largely written in x86 only assembly code.
Ah, thanks, I learned something today then
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Mutilator said:
welcome to the forums

i heard somewhere they were trying for a working DC emu which im excited about if possible but i wont get my hopes up.

the video on youtube nulldc looks promising will be great to play some of the many great games on the system (Shenmue, Jet Grind Radio, Resident Evil: Code Veronica etc.

Thank you!

hoping to play some CV and FireProD again

i miss my dreamcast lol
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Mutilator said:
welcome to the forums

i heard somewhere they were trying for a working DC emu which im excited about if possible but i wont get my hopes up.

the video on youtube nulldc looks promising will be great to play some of the many great games on the system (Shenmue, Jet Grind Radio, Resident Evil: Code Veronica etc.

The silence on the DC front is worrying me slightly. Maybe after release it'll pick up.
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Adventus is working on the Dreamcast, I believe.

I could be wrong. He and Exophase (plus others?) were discussing it hidden inside of another thread). I can't remember which one though.

I don't remember the outcome....
kingoddball said:
Adventus is working on the Dreamcast, I believe.

I could be wrong. He and Exophase (plus others?) were discussing it hidden inside of another thread). I can't remember which one though.

I don't remember the outcome....
I hereby grant you the extremely vague post award!

There are 2 guys working on Dreamcast mostly, DrkIIRaziel is one of them. Exophase discusses EVERY emu, that guy's basically an emu genius / overlord. I seriously doubt he's involved though. He just provides thoughtful criticisms / suggestions when people run into performance problems. (Not that Exo doesn't do other stuff (he works on his own emus and such) but he's not involved with DC as far as I can tell.)
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rabidpoobear said:
Exophase discusses EVERY emu, that guy's basically an emu genius / overlord. I seriously doubt he's involved though. He just provides thoughtful criticisms / suggestions when people run into performance problems.

He drops in where he's needed. He's like a certain taxi driver in that respect.

There I was, pondering on a dark and stormy night the issues of bits 3+5 of the flag register of a z80 cpu after a CCF instruction, and there was this knock on the door. I opened it and there was a dark figure standing there - he didn't come in, he spoke -

"The state of those bits are currently unknown after a CCF, and are possibly the last mystery left to the z80 emulation field. They're unlikely to be of use to anyone, and as such you're letting your obsession for accuracy get ahead of the experience of emulation. Let it go, and get on with the important things instead"

He turned and walked away before I could thank him. It was only later that I realised that I had been visited and advised by Exophase. I never saw him again, but I like to imagine that he's out there - lending a hand and helpful suggestion where an emulator author loses the will to go on or simply giving encouragement to those that need it when faced with an impossible dynarec.

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