Pandora Drop Test

holy crap, half of you people dont deserve a pandora if you treat it like that....
DaMummy said:
holy crap, half of you people dont deserve a pandora if you treat it like that....

"Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen" :P
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Pleng said:
Mine survived the impatient 'gimme now gimme gimme let me see let me see' tugging on it from the screen kind of attack from an over intrigued family-member-of-a-friend-of-the-family.

I was mortified when it was happening, and relieved when it survived it.

OOOOH man.... I can't get my heart to stop beating fast after reading that, it ENRAGES me so much to think about such things happening. I always seem to have things like that go down around me... one time I had a child-of-a-family-member-of-a-friend-of-a-family-member pour hotsauce on an expensive synthesizer because she was fighting with her mom (nothing to do with ME)... needless to say I'd probably get the cops called on me if someone did that with MY pandora :D

I'm gonna make people sign a binding contract stating that I will own their house, cars, computers, TVs, and gaming consoles as well as be able to tie them to a chair and beat them senseless and eat their first born child if they hurt my pandora in any way :P
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Pleng said:
Mine survived the impatient 'gimme now gimme gimme let me see let me see' tugging on it from the screen kind of attack from an over intrigued family-member-of-a-friend-of-the-family.

I was mortified when it was happening, and relieved when it survived it.

I probably would have backhanded the little bastard out of protective instinct for my Pandora.

Arkay Firestar said:
I was actually thinking an interesting case would be one that could stay on during use, and even perhaps have a ratcheting lid/top so that people wanting to lock their hinge at different angles could just lock the case.

Alas, I can't put my brain thinkings onto paper until I have my unit, but it should be fun to mess around.

You mean like the Nerf case for the DS lite? Best handheld accesory I have ever bought. I would pay good money to have a Nerf case for the Pandora.

atomicthumbs said:
mine will hopefully receive an inch-thick padded aluminum case so none of this can happen to it

Yea, WiFi won't be able to happen to it either. ;P

-God Ginrai
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Pleng said:
Mine survived the impatient 'gimme now gimme gimme let me see let me see' tugging on it from the screen kind of attack from an over intrigued family-member-of-a-friend-of-the-family.

I was mortified when it was happening, and relieved when it survived it.
Actually it didn't because now your LCD cable is failing. Hmmn...
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So you're now suggesting that the LCD cable is failing due to an incident that happened over a week ago, as opposed to something happening when plugging in a USB device,which happened immidiately prior to the failing?

I'm just asking you know, because your original diagnosis was that the usb device had blown up the screen.
^ Anything is possible, remote troubleshooting has its limits. MWeston's first reaction was caused by the fact that you connected the problem to USB charging, but it seems pretty clear now, that the LCD cable is the culprit. The accident you describe _could_ have caused it to fail. It's impossible to say for sure without opening the device.
OK Whatever. I'll include a fully summary of what happened when I return the unit. If they wanna charge me for repairs, so be it.
Bosbeetle said:
Eniko said:
This thread makes me wince. *cradles Pandora protectively*

^^ this

Is anyone working on a protective case? If not I would be able to do that (once I get my panda.) I wouldn't mind making a custom plastic case for the right price. I may not be able to program, but I can make anything with my hands.
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i plan to make a cad image for a leather skin once i get my pandora. my buddy owns an engraving lazer and ill use that to cut it out. i plan on it being fully functional and secure while in use. it will have an sd card pouch.