Dropped My Pandora


Oct 3, 2008
And it survived!

It was dropped from 5ft onto a solid wood floor and fell butter side down (lid first). No cracks or scratches and everything works perfectly! Phew...
Try hitting the floor with a corner of the hinge. NDSs like that a lot!
I dropped mine on the first day, while standing up.... It landed perfectly safe on the bed fortunately, but my heart rate just before noticing that has been more than enough to never ever do that again :P
I like how we are getting more and more Pandora related stories as they are shipped into the wild. It's even more exciting than just hearing news about the manufacturing process.
I will save you Pandora from your abusive master.
hrm... I remember dropping my DS Lite on  the hinge form waist-height. It survived that, but what really killed it was my curiosity. I'me also dropped my laptop, it landed half-opened right on the battery. it is fine still.

anyway, the pandora must be built well! we should do drop-tests with various devices.