Pandora Discussion

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Jan 30, 2006
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fine fine fine
the rude comments and attitude gets to be a bit much on a daily forum visit, thought there might be a better solution but obviously not.

and sorry bout the post in general, it was late last night :p
Peter R said:
Adding your IM details on a publically viewable site is a good way to get them harvested, is it not?
I agree entirely, pwris13 ;)
(User profiles are as publicly viewable as topics)
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How about we use this thread to discuss the pandora in general, and keep it confined to just this one thread, that is easily found and seperated from all the crap on the pandora boards?
Peter R said:
PlopperZ said:
Peter R said:
Adding your IM details on a publically viewable site is a good way to get them harvested, is it not?
I agree entirely, pwris13 ;)
(User profiles are as publicly viewable as topics)

I don't really use that one anymore.

Yes you do...
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reminds me of how naw(mcx) sent me a PM 'exposing' me, with not only my msn but that im left handed?
daclassicgamingmaster said:
PoisonedV said:
reminds me of how naw(mcx) sent me a PM 'exposing' me, with not only my msn but that im left handed?
please elaborate


Nice email address you got there, buddy.

Also, you are left handed, right?

And don't bother replying, I know EXACTLY what you are going to say.

to this day, i have no idea what it was about.
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(naw)mcx posted on Dec 2 2008 at 09:07 AM said:
PoisonedV said:
you really aren't funny, you should just stop.
you really aren't funny, you should just stop.

PM me with as much stuff as you can find out about me. Ready, Set, GO!!!
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