Pandora bluetooth current status?

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
What is the current status of bluetooth on the pandora.Will it work with bluetooth speakers?

Will it work with bluetooth headphones.My pandora pairs with my samsung surround sound system

but i am unable to send music to it from my pandora and have the sound system play it.

Also can you say send files pictures and music from your pandora to a phone and vice versa.

Is some of this dependent on your music player.Or is it just that there is some pandora bluetooth software not yet written for this.I would like to use bluetooth speakers for my pandy

and have it as my default music player with the now excellent audacious.Anyone had any luck

with this stuff.Please post and let me know.

Edit got music sent from my pandy to my phone.Is there such a thing as bluetooth streaming music as opposed to sending it to another device as a download?
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I'm having some real trouble here.

This is what I've done:

There is an ".asoundrc" file used in the home directory that tends to be complicated and hard to track down. Not anymore after I tested a theory of mine. This is all you need to put in that file. If you want to toggle between headphones and standard sound, just name it "" to disable it.

pcm.!default {

type bluetooth


So on my Windows 7 Desktop I created a Text document with Notepad and called it '.asoundrcBT.txt' with only this inside:

pcm.!default {

type bluetooth


I copied the file to a usb flash drive and put it in my home directory on my Pandora and renamed it to: '.asoundrc2'


goto your 'Home' username folder in Thunar.

Press Ctrl+H to see Hidden files.

You'll see a .asoundrc file.

Rename that to .asoundrcDEF

Paste in my file (.asoundrcBT) and rename it to .asoundrc whenever you want to use BT audio.

Swap the names when you want normal audio to be used.

So I didn't do anything, leaving .asoundrc as is. Thus having two files in my home directory now: .asoundrc and .asoundrc2


Okay, here it is:

Step 1: Make sure your .asoundrcDEF and .asoundrcBT work correctly. Rename .asoundrcDEF to .asoundrc1 and .asoundrcBT to .asoundrc2

Step 2: Rename the file of your choice to .asoundrc (whichever you choose will be active first)

Step 3: Paste the following into mousepad and save it as in your home folder(EDIT- by home folder, I mean the one with your username. ex: /home/edgex004 for me):


if [ -f .asoundrc1 ]


rename .asoundrc .asoundrc2 .asoundrc

rename .asoundrc1 .asoundrc .asoundrc1

notify-send "Digital Output"


rename .asoundrc .asoundrc1 .asoundrc

rename .asoundrc2 .asoundrc .asoundrc2

notify-send "Bluetooth"


Step 4: Open a terminal in you home folder and enter the following commands:

chmod ugo+rwx

chmod +x

sudo cp /usr/bin/btswitch

Make sure to type in your password when sudo requests it.

This should create a switch command in the terminal that can be run by just typing 'btswitch' and pressing enter.

Step 5: In the xfce menu, navigate to settings->keyboard.

Switch to the 'Application Shortcuts' tab. Click add. In the command box enter:


Click 'Ok' and then press the key combo you desire at the next window. I pressed <Control><Alt>comma as it is easy to reach.

Step 6: Test it out! You should get a popup which either says 'Bluetooth' or 'Digital Output' depending on whichever is being turned on.

So I created a text file with Notepad on my Windows 7 Desktop and named it '' which contains only:


if [ -f .asoundrc1 ]


rename .asoundrc .asoundrc2 .asoundrc

rename .asoundrc1 .asoundrc .asoundrc1

notify-send "Digital Output"


rename .asoundrc .asoundrc1 .asoundrc

rename .asoundrc2 .asoundrc .asoundrc2

notify-send "Bluetooth"


I copied it to my usb flash drive and then into my home directory on my Pandora and renamed it to ''

I then opened a terminal in my home folder and entered the following commands:

chmod ugo+rwx

chmod +x

sudo cp /usr/bin/btswitch

I entered my password.

I then typed 'btswitch', pressed enter, and got this:

bash: /usr/bin/btswitch: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

So now I'm stuck. What did I do wrong? :(
bash^m looks like EndOfLine in windows textformat. Try to convert or rewrite / copy & Paste on pandora or some other linuxsystem.

Starting it yourself may also work

/bin/bash /path/yourscriptfile

bash /path/yourscriptfile

If your lazy and got a new scriptfile for testing you might start it without setting permissions with chmod


Fack Faildroid

I need a english dictionary for my phone. Replacing every word I wrote damn it.
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bash^m looks like EndOfLine in windows textformat. Try to convert or rewrite / copy & Paste on pandora or some other linuxsystem.

Starting IT yourself may also work

/bin/bash /path/yourscriptfile

When I try to edit a text file on my Pandora it won't let me enter any Fn characters... ??? I have no other Linux system. :(
Which texteditor did you use?

Maybe one of those is borked. Didn't test any of them and if your keymap is fucked up you should have the problem everywhere.

But you can also try to download some texteditor for windows. Can't remember any of them but try Ultraedit, Notepad2, Notepad++ or maybe just OpenOffice (got some options in Save As dialog).
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I use mousepad.

I sorted out my initial issue by creating the files on my Pandora and using FireFox to copy/paste the needed text.

However, even though the script works, and I can add my Creative wp-350 headphones and they stay in bold... Audacious and Exaile play audio through the Pandora speakers, not my headphones. :(

My headphones are listed as 'Headset' as the device type in Bluetooth settings.

In both audio programs I've set output to ALSA

I tried to install XMMS by opening a terminal and typing:

sudo opkg update && sudo opkg install xmms

but after doing a whole bunch of stuff it ended with this:

install: missing destination file operand after 'xmms'

Try 'install --help' for more information.

So XMMS didn't install.

One other thing I'm not clear on - is the .asoundrcBT file (.asoundrc2) supposed to contain:

pcm.dmixed {

type dmix

ipc_key 1234

slave {

		 pcm "hw:0"

		 buffer_size 8192

		 period_size 2048

		 #periods 128

		 period_time 0

		 buffer_time 0

		 rate 44100



pcm.softvol {

type softvol

slave {

		 pcm	 "dmixed"


control {

		 name	 "Master"

		 card 0



pcm.!default {

type	 plug

slave.pcm "softvol"


pcm.dsp0 {

type plug

slave {

		 pcm "hw:0"



ctl.dsp0 {

type plug

slave.pcm "hw:0"


ctl.mixer0 {

type plug

slave.pcm "hw:0"



pcm.!default {

type bluetooth



pcm.!default {

type bluetooth



EDIT: But it doesn't make a difference - Audio doesn't play to the headphones either which way. If there are other settings I need to adjust, I'm not aware of them... Could someone who has Bluetooth working give me some advice?

EDIT 2: All issues SOLVED! Find the definitive guide for getting bluetooth audio playback working on your Pandora here:
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