Help ! Ripped Of By Anox


Still Fresh
Sep 19, 2003
Anox ripped me of ,I sold him a gp for 180€, he send me 90€ I send him the pg now he still ows me 90 € but he doesn't send them! Last Chance Anox repeat to my pms or mods please ban this cheater
Grand_Poobah posted on Mar 18 2004 at 07:46 PM said:
You shouldnt have sent it without full payment, thats asking for trouble.

so very true.
Yeah, then some yahoo decides to take a guy's money and not send the goods. The only way to be safe for sure is to use a trusted escrow agent.
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Maybe this is all a misunderstanding? Did you exchange phone numbers (something you should always do about that kind of stuff)? If so, just call him and ask what happened. I don't remember seeing hm on the Board lately though, and if he actually DID rip you off, well, you have his address, don't you? May I ask when you sent the GP32 to him - remember, banks take time to transfer money, and maybe he does not even have it yet ;)

and by the way, Anox is German, so calculate that too - I suppose you're American, sending from America to Germany may take up to six weeks. Consider this too - I don't know Anox too well, but I doubt that he would want to rip you off. Also I just visited his page, drop him a mail if he does not use the Board anymore...
Should Never Send anything out untill you receive the Full Payment <_< :ph34r: ;)
Yeah, and then the next thread will be "Ripped off by someone else", "I sent payment and he didn't send the goods"... there's really no way you can make it entirely save.
declaration posted on Mar 18 2004 at 11:36 PM said:
Anox posted here yesterday, so is still using this site.

This will probably all be sorted out when he sees this thread....
Not so. It's word against word. Anox could just deny it until the cows come home...which they never will because they're out trying to get their cravendale.
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Well you'd have to sign for any kind of parcel, there would be records with the courier saying whether or not he's received it or not.
SAure I have his adrress ect. and I am from Austra( next to germany) so bank transfer takes 2-3 days. And now I am waiting for over a week . Last thursday he said, that he would send it out.
I only had one transfer to an austrian bank account and it took at least 5 days until the money was transferred. I'm not taking sides here, just wanted to tell that Germany-Austria is nothing like inner country transfers.

Some time agon I got in contact with Shadow as he was looking for a customer to buy the Gamepark he was selling. His deal was really good so i started talking with him. After we worked out the Conditions for the sale he gave me his Bank Data so I could send him the money. Unfortunatly he gave me the wrong numbers cuz international bank transfers in europe need the iban and bic numbers. So I sent him the money again. He recieved it and sent me the Gamepark. On the 9th of March I got it. Since I was very busy that week i sent him the rest of the money next week monday. Shadow soon told me that the money still wasnt there so i checked with my bank and noticed that i sent the money to the bank numbers that shadow gave first to me. Now I'm waiting for the money to come back so i can resend him the money.

I sent him mails just yesterday and the whole last week explaining what happened. Second to that he came into an IRC channel and told my friends that i ripped him off and even posted here on the forums wanting to get my banned -_-. He was a really nice contact and i don't see why not having the money recieved after 10 day means i am ripping him off.

And anyways, as if I'd risk getting sued for 90euros.