Pandora At Tidc News!

Goobers said:
Let's all go there with our imagination!
I'm wearing Craig's face, and this time he actually agreed to rub the lotion on his skins!
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imec said:
Goobers said:
Let's all go there with our imagination!
I'm wearing Craig's face, and this time he actually agreed to rub the lotion on his skins!

Haha, it's a good job that Craig is probably too busy right now with all of this stuff to read, or he'd be very worried :p
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Goobers said:
Haha, it's a good job that Craig is probably too busy right now with all of this stuff to read, or he'd be very worried :p
Yeah, it takes awhile to do that paperwork, right? (were on to your secret Craigix, Pandora my ass)
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From Yesterday TI on Open Source OMAPx
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craigix said:
We just got done with this and will post some info and photos soon, im back in the uk on monday!
I love you CraigX... PUT UP PHOTOS!!!!
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Alright, Have some fun in my second home. Drink lots of beer ;). I'm assuming that you and the team still got meetings with TI to go to in the morning, since right now it's still just Thursday night.
Game_over said:
Alright, Have some fun in my second home. Drink lots of beer ;). I'm assuming that you and the team still got meetings with TI to go to in the morning, since right now it's still just Thursday night.
Making the worlds greatest console is hard work :p
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craigix said:
We just got done with this and will post some info and photos soon, im back in the uk on monday!
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Game_over said:
From Yesterday TI on Open Source OMAPx

Is there just this youtube/flash crap or are any real videos out there? I boycott flash and there's no sense in visiting youtube and others then,,,,
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....why you boycott youtube/flash it's video quality lol? To me youtube is a way to get content the second you want it regardless of quality. Even though the Audio is pretty decent in most cases. but theres other sites out the like Veoh.

If this was poker I'd say the team is slow playing their hand.
Game_over said:
....why you boycott youtube/flash it's video quality lol? To me youtube is a way to get content the second you want it regardless of quality. Even though the Audio is pretty decent in most cases. but theres other sites out the like Veoh.
If this was poker I'd say the team is slow playing their hand.

Stage6 was better, but it just died.

If they try Revver, they get high quality and they can get money!
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