Release Pandora-2600: Atari 2600 Emulator For Pandora V1.1.0


Certified Guru
Apr 5, 2007

Hi All,

Stella is on of the best emulator of Atari 2600 game console, running on many different systems,
such as Linux, Solaris, Windows, MacOS/X, WinCE, OS/2, GP2X.

It has been written initially by Bradford Mott, see Stella site for details.

Here is a port on Pandora of the version i've previously ported to Wiz.

Many new features have been added compared to original version.

How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.

A full working PND version is available on my blog :


zx-81, you are a machine. You turn out these emu's like there's no tommorow. Your the best!

Bring on the 5200/7800 and I'll be in a very good place.

Wonderful! Thankyou very, very much. I'm very pleased to see that it has PAL support, too!
Most excellent!

Now I can play Cosmic Ark on the go. :D (Much of my collection is NTSC, but my Cosmic Ark cartridge is a PAL one.)
Really nice - however, I just noticed you are using a wrong category for all your emulators:
You are using Application / Emulator whereas it shouldbe Game / Emulator

Thanks a lot for all the nice stuff :D
EvilDragon said:
Really nice - however, I just noticed you are using a wrong category for all your emulators:
You are using Application / Emulator whereas it shouldbe Game / Emulator

Thanks a lot for all the nice stuff :D

Yes, it didn't know which Category i should use. is there any "standard" described somewhere ?
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zx-81 said:
EvilDragon said:
Really nice - however, I just noticed you are using a wrong category for all your emulators:
You are using Application / Emulator whereas it shouldbe Game / Emulator

Thanks a lot for all the nice stuff :D

Yes, it didn't know which Category i should use. is there any "standard" described somewhere ?

Yes, they follow the Freedesktop Standard:
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Do you actually sleep zx-81? I like the setup of these emulators they're really easy to use and being able to use as much of the pandoras screen is great. I dont suppose a spectrum emu is on the cards aswell with the similar setup? Hope so. Thanks for all your hardwork :)
puppydee said:
Do you actually sleep zx-81? I like the setup of these emulators they're really easy to use and being able to use as much of the pandoras screen is great. I dont suppose a spectrum emu is on the cards aswell with the similar setup? Hope so. Thanks for all your hardwork :)

i didn't port a spectrum emu, but i can start :). Same for many other classical emus.
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zx-81 said:
puppydee said:
Do you actually sleep zx-81? I like the setup of these emulators they're really easy to use and being able to use as much of the pandoras screen is great. I dont suppose a spectrum emu is on the cards aswell with the similar setup? Hope so. Thanks for all your hardwork :)

i didn't port a spectrum emu, but i can start :) . Same for many other classical emus.
Please do, ditto to the puppydee's comment, your's clean, easy to use, there is one small thing though, if possible can you allow more visable characters on your rom selection screens please, a few of my games are different versions but i cant see the full title name, if you only up it by 10 characters that would be something, thanks

Keep up the great emulator work! here's a few ideas! Electron, Apple 2, Channel F, Intellivision, Sam Coupe, Vectrex, Speccy!
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Yes, the emulators work fine and I also love classic machines :D

One thing I would add (except for that cut-off rom names) would be remembering the last rom-directory :)
EvilDragon said:
Yes, the emulators work fine and I also love classic machines :D

One thing I would add (except for that cut-off rom names) would be remembering the last rom-directory :)
it's already the case. The default rom directory is the rom folder in pandora/appdata/a2600 ... but if you choose a rom in another folder using the menu, and exit the emulator properly the last rom folder is saved in a global.cfg file. NExt time you start the emu, then this folder will be the default one.
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zx-81 said:
puppydee said:
Do you actually sleep zx-81? I like the setup of these emulators they're really easy to use and being able to use as much of the pandoras screen is great. I dont suppose a spectrum emu is on the cards aswell with the similar setup? Hope so. Thanks for all your hardwork :)

i didn't port a spectrum emu, but i can start :) . Same for many other classical emus.

Best news I've heard all night. Where can I send beer money? Let me know and it shall be done :)
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zx-81 said:
i didn't port a spectrum emu, but i can start :) . Same for many other classical emus.

How about one of your namesake, the ZX81?
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zx-81 said:
Asmo said:
zx-81 said:
i didn't port a spectrum emu, but i can start :) . Same for many other classical emus.

How about one of your namesake, the ZX81?

good idea, i can port my gp2x version.

3D Monster Maze! Joy!
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I owned a ZX81 back when they where top spec machines, lol. Even had a printer but I never enjoyed playing any of the games on it. I ditched it for a ZX Spectrum+ with the hard keys, I loved that machine until my cousin got a C64 so I got C64 which died in the first week so it went back to the shop to be repaired and they sent it off to get fixed, then weeks later it had apparently got lost so the shop gave us a C16 while they located it which never happened because the shop went out of businness in the process so we ended up buying an Amstrad CPC464 which I thought was pretty cool at the time. Then my next machine was an Amiga, was probably the best machine I ever bought, then I had nothing after that until I bought a pc 6 or 7 years ago.
Are there any commandline-parameters? I would like to start a specific game by using pnd_run and passing a rom as argument. I didn't find anything so far.

Edit: uhm, sorry for pushing this thread in the news-forum. I found it by searching the forum and didn't notice it is in here before replying.
^ That's fine, don't worry about it. I'm pretty sure it doesn't cause a bump on the front-page. :P
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