Gp2x-2600: Atari 2600 Emulator For Gp2x V1.0.1


Certified Guru
Apr 5, 2007

Stella is on of the best emulator of Atari 2600 game console,
running on many different systems, such as Linux, Solaris, Windows,
MacOS/X, WinCE, OS/2, GP2X.

It has been written initially by Bradford Mott, see Stella site for details.

GP2X-2600 is a port on GP2X of my previous port to PSP.
My PSP version is based on the work of Aenea who was the first to port Stella to PSP,
and David Voswinkel who's now in charge of the PSP port in Stella team.
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.

Thanks to Stella team for this nice emulator, and to all GP2X-SDK developpers.

You can download it here :


I want to pick up the chance and say a big thanks for the effort you put into GP2x coding, considering you have that baby just since a week :) Keep up the nice work! It's amazing what one single person can output in such a short time! Thanks again!

I found a bug, and it is in alot of your emus. The bug is that if you are in a game, go to play with a setting, then return to the game the sound will be gone. Then if you try to load a ROM the emu will lock up and require a power cycle. This does it (was playing with flicker settings), Intellivision does it, and a few others like 7800 does it. May be something to look into.

The menu on this one is easier to use than the other GP2X Stella port too. It is missing some of the options but not sure they are needed.

Thanks for the great work.
Excellent Emulator! Thank you so much, zx! The 2600 was the only system which games I have played out of the Atari machines and its great fun playing them portable! The only game I couldn't get to work was Beamrider, which hangs on a black screen. But yeah great job on this emulator!
I am looking forward to this. Thanks for all your support of the GP2X scene. :D
DaveC said:

I found a bug, and it is in alot of your emus. The bug is that if you are in a game, go to play with a setting, then return to the game the sound will be gone. Then if you try to load a ROM the emu will lock up and require a power cycle. This does it (was playing with flicker settings), Intellivision does it, and a few others like 7800 does it. May be something to look into.
Yes i've encountered this bug as well, but i can't figure out what happens for now, i will investigate a bit ...

DaveC said:
The menu on this one is easier to use than the other GP2X Stella port too. It is missing some of the options but not sure they are needed.

Thanks for the great work.
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