Pandora 2: Dragonfly or Myriad

I think we should come up with a unique name for the P2, one that will only return results pertaining to it when someone does a search via google, ebay etc. A unique name that will identify it as a standalone product.     Dragonfly is not a bad name ,  but its unfortunately far from unique.  Even Myriad isn't that unique.  

Xbox, playstation, iphone, gameboy, Ouya, Wikipad etc etc all product names that have  uniqueness to them and uniquely identify those products.

If the P2 is to be adopted, it has to be found, the easier it is to be found and recognised as a stand alone product by its name , the better.
Unique is great to a point, but if we just type a cool sounding noise and use that then the meaning behind the name will be starting from scratch.  I do think we should be a bit snobbish and use a name not many others would think of, but putting thought into finding a fitting name rather than making one up will probably garner more respect. (customer respect, not poke respect)  I think of Myriad as a word very unique in term of product names, and even in language only really expressed by cool people.

And edit: But keeping in line with the now Pandora and trying harder not to start from scratch, it could also just be an alternate name beside Pandora 2.  Pandora 2, Myriad.  And different people would call it either or.
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