

The Big Wad Bolf.
Sep 4, 2004
Hi folks,

Well I am venturing into coding for the GP2X, and I am porting over one of my unfinished PC games called Myriad. It's at a very early stage but here is a taster:



There's a LOT more to do yet, and I'm enjoying doing this very much.



Here's a simple website primarily for download:

Myriad on the web

And here's the forum, but I think I will primarily be using this forum for the dev feedback:

Myriad forum
subcon959 posted on Aug 22 2006 at 10:24 PM said:
Nice one.. btw what's that red thing that comes out when you press A?
The red things are it's comedy noses..... ONLY JOKING!!!!!

Actually they are plasma spheres, and are used to shoot the metal spikes and other nasty aliens when they attack you. But I haven't written them in yet.

By the way, did you notice that your UFO stays still when you hold down A. This is so you can sort of sling shot the ship to a position on the screen and aim somewhere else.


P.S. Thanks to Sam (Offer of beta testing) and Quiest (Help with Fenix) .
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WarmFluffyUK posted on Aug 22 2006 at 10:37 PM said:
The red things are it's comedy noses..... ONLY JOKING!!!!!
LOL, all it needs is a Lenny Henry sample and you're set :P

By the way, did you notice that your UFO stays still when you hold down A. This is so you can sort of sling shot the ship to a position on the screen and aim somewhere else.
I did indeed. Very nifty.
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WarmFluffyUK posted on Aug 22 2006 at 09:37 PM said:
subcon959 posted on Aug 22 2006 at 10:24 PM said:
Nice one.. btw what's that red thing that comes out when you press A?
The red things are it's comedy noses..... ONLY JOKING!!!!!

Actually they are plasma spheres, and are used to shoot the metal spikes and other nasty aliens when they attack you. But I haven't written them in yet.

By the way, did you notice that your UFO stays still when you hold down A. This is so you can sort of sling shot the ship to a position on the screen and aim somewhere else.


P.S. Thanks to Sam (Offer of beta testing) and Quiest (Help with Fenix) .

Kind of reminds me of "Attack at EP-CYG-4" on the old Atari 800 :) With better graphics of course.

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Another update:

[1] Cross-hair movement has been refined, seeded up and given more stability. it also stops quicker making more accurate destination placement.

[2] Spike enemy added, routines to make it move to a random place, or follow your UFO written.

[3] Bug with explosions not sounding when destroying damaged building fixed.


Presently the Spike enemy doesn't die when colliding with your ship, I want to write the energy level and ship explode routines first.

By the way, I'm looking for more beta testers. I already have Sam but I thought it would be good to have at least two more. Anyone want to help?

Another bug. Well I dont know if it is in the original one.

Because you can only have one bullet process at once. If you move directly above the building, you can destroy them very veyr fast because the bullet/shot process is killed so quickly.
sam fisher posted on Aug 24 2006 at 09:21 AM said:
Another bug. Well I dont know if it is in the original one.

Because you can only have one bullet process at once. If you move directly above the building, you can destroy them very veyr fast because the bullet/shot process is killed so quickly.
Hia Sam,

Actually that is intentional, in later levels certain blocks of buildings will take more hits to be destroyed etc. It's all in the planned game play! Also I am toying with the idea of Myriad rebuilding smashed blocks if you don't completely destroy them.

Thanks for the input though, keep em coming :).
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