JakeK said:
What happens if I wanted to download the programs for Pandora on PC?
You download a .deb file made for pandora, install it and if you are missing something you package manager will tell you, also makes for easy removal of applications instead for having hundres file spead all over the place.
I can see the problem with removing SD cards with installed programs but really this is a minor issue if you follow some simple roules
1. Have one SD that's only your system and apps that are small/used all the time.
2. Never remove that SD.
3. If you got some bigger app/game you will need to put that on a SD by itself either way so just put that SD in the nr 2 SD slot.
4. keep all emu roms etc on a SD that you put in to nr 2 when you want to play that.
io: only change the nr 2 Slot SD card around depending on app, further down maybe the OS could see the difference between SD cards used in the 2 slot and for ex you start some game / app that's on a SD card that's not present the OS says, [Please insert the SD card with %app on it, and press x]
This would require some small extra effort of everyone in the beginning true, but 6 month after release you can avoid the scenorio where you have installed and reinstalled lose apps from source or by standards made by the creator etc you won't know what you have on there and not, also it would help when updating OS, updating apps / games (specially network games that require clients to have the same version), you can be certain you have the latest stable emulator (without having to look around for a new version every few days/weeks), easy install and reinstall while keeping track of what you got on your Pandora and what you don't have.
It would be easier also to put in menu options for installed apps in to Pandora for easy access, for ex.
Pandora Menu before install
bla bla bla
bla bla bla
bla bla bla
bla bla bla
Install the super mega N64 emulator that some wizkid just released
Pandora Menu after install
bla bla bla
bla bla bla
bla bla bla
bla bla bla
That's just my $0.02, I prefer a simple clean system that's easy to maintain.