OVR File Help


Still Fresh
Sep 4, 2009
Hi there im new to the Pandora, but i am fairly clued up on PCs in general, im not the sort to just post a question before trying to find the answer first, but I am having a terrible time trying to get ovr files to work. I am using PicoDrive as an example, the PND is called PicoDrive_180pxml_tv.pnd, so I have a n ovr file in the apps folder where the pnd is called PicoDrive_180pxml_tv.ovr (I have attached the file)

Here is the content:


title Mega Drive

maincategory Game

maincategorysub1 Emulator

note-1 MegaDrive Emulator

I am trying to create a custom name etc, but the icon's name just will not change, I have tried refreshing the apps in the menu, rebooting the device but nothing works, please can someone tell me where im going wrong?

Also I am confused as to why in my Game category there is a sub cat called emulators, but the emulators appear twice, in the main game cat and also in the emulator cat, why is that?



being brief.. on my crappy tablet :)

you're in minimenu? why not try ttyhe built in ovr editor to get a working template in place?

theres an option to show in the main cat as well or just the subcat

damn this tablet .. can't write at all :)
thanks for the reply Guys, I literally just got the Pandora yesterday, where do I find the built in ovr editor? and yes I am in minimenu

Thanks for the heads up on the OVR editor, I will check that out
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I got it sorted, it was be being a bit of a numpty, well kind of. I use a Mac and the way OS X handles the renaming of file extensions kind of sucks, I thought I had renamed the .txt file to ovr, but in fact the .txt file was still at the end of the file name but was not showing. When I looked at the file in Windows, I could see that the file was named PicoDrive_180pxml_tv.ovr.txt

Note to self: Use windows not OS X to configure my Pandora!

Problem solved :)
  • The best OS to use in conjunction with the Pandora is Linux,
    As Pandora OS (Ångström) itself is Linux
[*]the next best Mac OS X,

  • As it is UNIX ins its core, brings all unix CLI tools, same filesystem conventions, and by default uses Unix linebreak encoding for plain text files (such as config files), most applications (.app) are self-contained (same concept like PND)
  • Your experienced issue is just one setting which you must set right (read below).
[*]and Windows is the last choice,

  • As of those 3 OSes, it is conceptually the most distant to Linux (registry instead of config files, different filepath conventions, most applications must be installed)

I guess you used TextEdit, the default rich and plain text editor on Mac OS X.

If you save the file, you have to mind these settings:

1) Hide extension: Whether the file browser (Finder) shows the file with extension or not.

2) If no extension is provided, use ".txt": If you use your arbitrary extension (such as .config or .whatever) be sure to untick it, else TextEdit appends ".txt".

3) Under some circumstances (don't know when) after saving your "file.whatever" TextEdit asks again:

You have used the extension ".whatever" at the end

of the name. The standard extension is ".txt".

You can choose to use the standard extension instead.

Use .txt | Cancel | Use .whatever

Just choose accordingly.

You must understand that TextEdit is a general purpose editor, source code editing (and source-code friendly default settings) is not its main goal.

There are many other great Mac OS X GUI text editors, or of course you can just use CLI editors such as pico, vi, vim.

To reliably see the complete name of a file in Mac OS X, regardless of Finder's extension show/hide settings, just select the file in Finder, and choose CMD-I (or: Menu > File > Info). There you can read and edit the file name and suffix.