Yes, quite a few expected that, as both the press and the kickstarter project hyped it that it sounded like it was a revolution.A German news website asked for my opinion about it back then, and I basically said that it's a neat project with a tight pricing (which probably wouldn't work if they didn't have sponsors and partners upfront), but I never expected a revolution... I expected a neat small Android device, but failed to see what's so new about it, as you could do the same with a smartphone, an HDMI cable and a BT controller.Especially the start of the last paragraph felt that way "So, is the OUYA a revolution in console gaming? No, it isn't -- not yet" - Did somone really expect a revolution of console gaming ?
I also said that I don't expect many original games (mostly upgraded Android games, suited to fit the controls) and that it might be an issue to play most Android games right away, as many of them only support touchscreen controls.
My opinion hasn't changed. It's a neat device for a neat price, but nothing special IMHO.
But yes, it got a HUGE hype from the press and was sold as being revolutionary, and that's what a lot of people expect now...