Out Of Ten!


Jan 15, 2005
The gp2x is great looking, i was very happy with my gp32. but im a student, dont got much cash. so i sold the gp32 to get some much needed funds.
Once i did that, i managed to get myself a gp2x.

I cant actually open the gp2x until christmas day, which is great really because it seems out of all the research that i did, that its not really worth opening it now anyway.

I mean, BASICALLY the gp2x is not as good as the gp32 is right now at all. At least, thats what i hear everyone says!

Are there people here which actually think that the gp2x is like UTTERLY worth getting right now, opening it up and not have lame excuses like "but, its black and stuff will be avaliable SOON".

Everything will be good when the firmware is done properly, and the battery, joystick and all that atuff is sorted.
What i wanna know is, how much you would actually rate the gp2x out of ten as it is NOW. Not like "when the firmware is updated". Pretend that the firmware will NEVER be updated...

I wanna know this coz im SOOO excited to open it up and test some stuff, but i dont wanna blow my load and update it and end up making it worse like most people have.

SO, exactly how much do you rate the gp2x now?
Video playing vs. GP32


(after TV out, it will literally blow away any other portable for playing divx)
(and if an external HD will eventually work with the USB Host, it will be the best player- bar none.)

Game playing


(that is just now, there are so many projects in the works, the HW blitter/2D accelerator is even winCE compatible and if you check the dev forum it is so accelerated we may even see HD gaming sometime.)

The games right now aren't bad, but with the RAM and Speed and extra storage and extra processor, and 2D accelerator games will be awesome.

The firmware WILL be updated, even if GPH disappeared tomorrow, the Devs would continue on with an alternate loader and HH mode devkit and everything would be even better :D
I"d say its a 9/10 honestly. When i first got it i was a little dissapointed, but i now find myself using it a good hour every day. Every time you turn around someone is releasing something new for it.
as if RIGHT NOW, I rate my 2 day old gp2x as a 6/10
hardware I'd probably give a 7/10, current software (from a gamer rather than programmer prospective) I'd give a 5/10.

I still find myself clinging to my giga-GBM for gaming, and wishing that the 2x had more that I haven't already played out in the mid 90's. I find myself trying to explain that the best use of the most powerful handheld I've ever owned is the sega genesis version of Dune.

This *will* change, and it's amazing how far it's come, but if you want my opinion as at stands *at this minute* GBA, DS, PSP, Zodiac, or GP32 are going to have more to offer you. If you're looking wondering if you should buy now or later, that depends. The fact that you're asking suggests that you're probably leaning toward waiting, which is a good option. But I do use my gp2x, I'm watching a movie on it now, actually.
GpDogg posted on Dec 21 2005 at 11:23 AM said:
I wanna know this coz im SOOO excited to open it up and test some stuff, but i dont wanna blow my load and update it and end up making it worse like most people have.

Making it worse?
I don't know what you mean, I updated mine to v1.0.1 when I got it out of the box.

If people are having trouble it is because they didn't update their programs in the utilities menu with the .gpu file and the programs on the SD card, after they flashed with the latest firmware.

If that worries you don't be afraid, GPH has said the next update will run entirely from the utilities screen, no screw ups available :D .
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Honestly currently it's a 7/10 - but the perfect 10 is well within sight:

New Firmware which gets 2gb cards working, improves battery life, and removes the interlaced problem will results in 8/10

Full Speed SNES/Genesis/TG16 will bring it up to 9/10

Full Speed and Compatability on System16/CPS1/CPS2/NeoGeo puts me in 16-bit heaven with 10/10
I would rate the hardware 9/10, only thing that brings it down is the joystick being a bit stupid occasionally.

Firmware, 5/10. Must try harder!

To be frank, it shits all over the GP32.
So how is the movie compatibility then? Does it play most formats? Does the audio sync with the video? What is the current battery life; say watching a movie?
i give 6 for overall now,

maybe 8 with a good firmware, but not more because then if the same machine has a better joystick (or a cross, or even better: both! :P ) a WIFI chip, real supported USB HOST, and a better ergonomy for connectics, then how much would you give? 14/10 ? :P
GpDogg posted on Dec 21 2005 at 06:23 PM said:
I mean, BASICALLY the gp2x is not as good as the gp32 is right now at all. At least, thats what i hear everyone says!

I wouldn't say that in the least. Of course my gp32 is the original version (no backlight), but I do like the quality of the GP2X more. The controls are nicer and the memory is more expandable. It also feels more comfortable.

Yes, there is not that much software available yet... but there are so many devkits, environments and tools available that this issue will be short lived. With the faster processors, the GP2X has quite a bit more potential.

This is obviously subjective, but this is my opinion. I stopped using my gp32 very early on. I have a PSP (1.5ROM) and that is my main gaming machine, but the GP2X will become my favorite homebrew device. This, of course, is only if I can pry it from my daughters hands. ;-)

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nik166 posted on Dec 21 2005 at 08:22 PM said:
i give 6 for overall now,

maybe 8 with a good firmware, but not more because then if the same machine has a better joystick (or a cross, or even better: both! :P ) a WIFI chip, real supported USB HOST, and a better ergonomy for connectics, then how much would you give? 14/10 ? :P

I don't think that kind of machine will be true in near future even with heavenly expensive price-tag.

And even if it happens, it cannot get 14/10.
- WIFI for handheld and diff. type of Joystick might cause another complains.

Remember, still some noob people complain GP2x about the AA battery and the absence of HDD (those are brilliant choices GPH made, I believe)

EDIT: Above all, It can't be sold so many units because of it's price
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This is my first handheld ever... and it rocks...
But for now it's only 6/10

After next firmware it will absolutely be 10/10
Better battery time and i can use my 2gb SD card. Weeee

So if you intend to wait for christmas get out in the rush for presents and find your self some nice batteries cause that would make you much moore happier with it. Im only using a pair of 2000mAh and thats is way to bad thats why i gave it this low rate. So if you have decent batteries it will probebly be 8/10. need batteries now give it too me santa...

One thing that kind of succes right now is that you only can play .avi movies, at least me but that will offcourse improve and get the rating some steps over 10...