Os9xgp Savestates

i don't think it compresses save states
you should be able to use them with pc, xbox, or whatever else you want to use
No, unfortunately OpenSNES9xGp saves cannot be read in SNES9x or ZSNES. The save state format is actually closer to ZSNES, and OpenSNES9xGp CAN read ZSNES save states...just not the other way around. I believe this has to do with the image information stored at the beginning.

However, remember that SRAM data is universal.

And yes, the saves ARE compressed, but I think it's the image data which is messing them up.
Yup, I tried that myself. It's the only way I could get past some impassible screens (well, impassible in OS9X) like DQ5's little intro screen put in by the translators. Just rename it to "game.ZA9" (so it doesn't get overwritten).
OpenSNES9xGP does indeed save SRAM to "game.srm" file just like all other modern emulators. You just need to select "Exit to ROM Browser" before shutting your GP32 off or the data isn't saved. Oh, and when you select that option, it plainly says "SRAM data is saved" :D