Os9xgp-0.3beta Is Out!

CrazyDesi posted on Aug 18 2004 at 04:23 AM said:
Seriously though this is great I mean how great is it to play Chrono Trigger now?!
Yes Indeed!

*Ocean Palace Lavos hits party for 999 damage*

Aw, snap... :angry:
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kotd posted on Aug 18 2004 at 02:22 AM said:
dr_other posted on Aug 18 2004 at 02:16 AM said:
Well he is right KOTD.

I know that you might want to play your favorite games with sound, but hey, this man has as much of a life as you and I, and is doing stuff we could never dream of doing, and doing it for us, and doing it for free!

Yoyo is a hero of the GP32 community for giving us all such a treasure.

Unless you are a SEGA fanboy  :P
No I understand I just said after 8 months it was slightly dissapointing. If you look how awesome 0.2 was compared to 0.1 and it was released I think 2 weeks after. Than you get my drift. No offense to yoyo as there never was. 0.2 still was the best update I've seen.......

I whine too much don't take any notice :P
The sad fact here is that Yoyo spent so much time doing the Zodiac version that there was not much time left to do the GP32 version before he got busy. So basicaly what happened is that the Zodiac fucked our chances of a much faster version :(
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TelcoLou posted on Aug 18 2004 at 02:30 AM said:
/me offers a big fat joint to everyone as a peace offering :D
Thanks joint was gooooood :P just what I needed :P passed out too:p

Also I wish my gp32 could overclock more than the speed would be fine :(
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Julius posted on Aug 17 2004 at 07:10 PM said:
I would go as far as saying the sound is 60% of the fun concerning old school gaming.
i have to agree with all my might here. Games like Rock'n Roll Racing or Battletoads in Battlemaniacs are whicked cool - due to their combination of graphics and sound. Without sound they're lame. Also Legend of Zelda is a masterpiece in terms of atmosphere... which is created alot by its amzing music.
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Does anyone have a prob with sram saves not reloading? When i reboot Punchout it does not restore the sram save but it has been created in GPMM dir.Very strange...worked ok on prev release. :huh:
all my roms played with the old config.sys file, and btw its not in the GPMM folder, its in the GPETC Folder, and if that doesn't work its the rom, and don't tell me its not the rom when I have Super mario Allstars running absolutely fine on my GP32.

This is in regards to M64 FirstPlayers post regarding super mario all stars since it has been locked and i can't post there.
No,cant be the rom..all of the roms with sram have the same problem,they save but do not reload on boot up. :huh:

...Whoops :D ,should have read more carefully!!!

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Sweet, just got back from a few days away. Have to try this out. If anything it assures people that the project is still active even if there isn't much of a speed increase.

I'm looking forward to testing it out once my mum's finished trying to beat my high score on gp spout (which could be a loooooong time... :().
I posted this on another thread but I figure I'll give it a go here as well and see if you guys have the same issue. Can anyone load osnes .2 from their smc (while .3 is on it of course)? Some games play a bit better with sound in .2 so I was wondering if this is possible. I renamed it as well btw. Is anyone else having this problem or does anyone happen to have any suggestions?
Dozer posted on Aug 18 2004 at 03:48 PM said:
Sweet, just got back from a few days away. Have to try this out. If anything it assures people that the project is still active even if there isn't much of a speed increase.

I'm looking forward to testing it out once my mum's finished trying to beat my high score on gp spout (which could be a loooooong time... :().
It doesn't assure anything. It has been said that Yoyo doesn't have time to work on it anymore. This may very well be the last update, who knows.
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DaveC posted on Aug 18 2004 at 06:20 PM said:
Dozer posted on Aug 18 2004 at 03:48 PM said:
Sweet, just got back from a few days away. Have to try this out. If anything it assures people that the project is still active even if there isn't much of a speed increase.

I'm looking forward to testing it out once my mum's finished trying to beat my high score on gp spout (which could be a loooooong time... :().
It doesn't assure anything. It has been said that Yoyo doesn't have time to work on it anymore. This may very well be the last update, who knows.
I'd have thought there'll be another update. At least for transparancies (sp?).
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Well even if Yoyo doesn't release another update at least the source has been released and you can't deny he's done a hell of a lot for the GP32 already.

God I wish I could code. And don't anyone say learn. I'm an IT manager and yet I'm the worlds worst coder :)