
No, the sellers name is "Pandora's Box" and they're also selling Pandora related T-Shirts. If you'll notice, the creation date is June 7th, 2008. Someone from the gp32x forum probably created it when the Pandora was first announced to be shipping soon. Obviously that didn't happen. :p
That'll be a wonderful chap by the name Chad78, I believe. It was a fairly big thing around then on the old boards. He was very into the project and then when it was delayed, he spat his dummy out in a hissy fit.
It might be a good idea to do something like this again, now that it's been produced. Lots of people wearing T-shirts could raise some extra attention.
That'll be a wonderful chap by the name Chad78, I believe. It was a fairly big thing around then on the old boards. He was very into the project and then when it was delayed, he spat his dummy out in a hissy fit.
Oh yeah, I remember that, what was the deal again? Wasn't it a big thing because he was a dev?
If I remember correctly, without searching the other forums, it was all about him getting really pissed off because of all the delays that were happening.

People were also not very happy that he had put together this cafe press page without the go ahead from the Pandora team (again as far as I can remember).

He then started to get fairly negative and went on how the Pandora would never be finished and it was all a big con, trying to tell us that there were other options on the market that would be much more successful (although I could just be inventing this last bit)

I don't think he was a dev, just someone that really liked the idea behind the Pandora, but didn't have the patience to wait like the rest of us.

His loss as far as I can see.
That'll be a wonderful chap by the name Chad78, I believe. It was a fairly big thing around then on the old boards. He was very into the project and then when it was delayed, he spat his dummy out in a hissy fit.
Oh yeah, I remember that, what was the deal again? Wasn't it a big thing because he was a dev?

You might be thinking of Chip. I forget the story exactly now, I think it involved trying to move everyone to the openhandhelds forum and a forum failure at gp32x among other things, if I recall correctly.
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That'll be a wonderful chap by the name Chad78, I believe. It was a fairly big thing around then on the old boards. He was very into the project and then when it was delayed, he spat his dummy out in a hissy fit.
Oh yeah, I remember that, what was the deal again? Wasn't it a big thing because he was a dev?

You might be thinking of Chip. I forget the story exactly now, I think it involved trying to move everyone to the openhandhelds forum and a forum failure at gp32x among other things, if I recall correctly.
Chip didn't leave did he? I haven't seen him for a while but I didn't think he left. Chad78 I do remember him leaving, but I thought it was because he got upset at something Craigix said.
That'll be a wonderful chap by the name Chad78, I believe. It was a fairly big thing around then on the old boards. He was very into the project and then when it was delayed, he spat his dummy out in a hissy fit.
Oh yeah, I remember that, what was the deal again? Wasn't it a big thing because he was a dev?

You might be thinking of Chip. I forget the story exactly now, I think it involved trying to move everyone to the openhandhelds forum and a forum failure at gp32x among other things, if I recall correctly.
Chip didn't leave did he? I haven't seen him for a while but I didn't think he left. Chad78 I do remember him leaving, but I thought it was because he got upset at something Craigix said.

As far as I can remember it definitely wasn't Chip.

If you want a little amusement find Chad's posts on the GP32X forums and see a mind literally melt on the internet.
Ahhhhh, but a mind can definitely melt.

The brain being the physical, the mind being the psychological :rolleyes:
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