If You Paid By Bank Transfer But No Email Yet...


Raving Python fangirl
Sep 29, 2008
The same may have happened that happened to me. Personally I wired it from the ABN-Amro bank in the Netherlands, and included my order number in the description field, but today got this:
Sorry for the late confirmation of receipt of your transfer to our account. As the online statement did not include your order number we had to wait for the paper version of the Bank Transfer. Your transfer has now been matched to your original order.
Apparently it's possible that your description was not on their online statement for whatever reason and they have to wait for the paper version to match the transfer to your order. Something I find odd, but apparently it's possible. O_o
Ah, I am patient actually. I was just giving a heads up to the rest of the people on the forum, I know a few were getting antsy about not having had confirmation yet, that's all. ^^; Hope it wasn't a bad thing to post that.
Eniko said:
Hope it wasn't a bad thing to post that.
No, I think it was good to post decent information. Was there any reason why the order number was not picked up on the statement? I wonder if there are specific things that need to be done to get it to appear in case anyone is going use a transfer.
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TaG said:
Eniko said:
Hope it wasn't a bad thing to post that.
No, I think it was good to post decent information. Was there any reason why the order number was not picked up on the statement? I wonder if there are specific things that need to be done to get it to appear in case anyone is going use a transfer.

Well, that was the full extent of the message I got, so I really don't know any more about what went wrong - if anything considering Craig's reply up there - than you do. I could possibly fire off a reply asking, though.
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I got the same message about my bank transfer. I think it is a case of some mismatch between the data formats supported by the different banks, so that part of the message containing the order number was chopped off.

A few years ago I was at a conference in Sicily where they had the same problem with payments. It took the poor secretary the whole week to figure out who paid what :rolleyes: .
keek said:
I got the same message about my bank transfer. I think it is a case of some mismatch between the data formats supported by the different banks, so that part of the message containing the order number was chopped off.
Exactly the same happened to me. But e-mail exchange with Pandora sales solved the matter. B)
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