Release OpenTyrian


Sarcasm Dispenser
Staff member
Jan 18, 2010
New release, this time with proper fullscreen using SDL12-Compat (SDL1.2 to SDL2) and GL4ES.

Ensure your Pyra is fully updated to get the latest GL4ES version.

This has the same filename as the prior version on the repo that I had to delete, not sure what I did wrong with my meta data, but it wouldn't gracefully update version numbers on the repo. so I had to delete the old version and it took on the version 1.0.

Thanks. But fullscreen is not working for me.

System is up to date. I made sure before trying and rebooted after the apt upgrade.

It may be that the repo still has the old version somehow?
Thanks. But fullscreen is not working for me.

System is up to date. I made sure before trying and rebooted after the apt upgrade.

It may be that the repo still has the old version somehow?
Could there still be an older dbp file floating around?

You can tell if you're running the older version of the dbp by temporarily mounting the dbp file:
sudo mount -t squashfs OpenTyrian_C4ALL-1.0.dbp /mnt/temp_mount

ls -l /mnt/temp_mount/

There should be a 'ot' binary file that is the actual executable and opentyrian is just a launcher script... In the older version opentyrian is the executable binary.

I downloaded the dbp just now, and seeing the latest version.
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The binary is the OT file as you say.

asimov@asimov-pyra:/media/asimov/SD16/dragonbox/packages$ ls -l /mnt/temp_mount/
total 570
-rw-r--r-- 1 asimov asimov  17987 Dec 24  2014 COPYING
-rw-r--r-- 1 asimov asimov   1160 Dec 24  2014 CREDITS
drwxr-xr-x 2 asimov asimov   1942 Dec 24  2014 data
drwxr-xr-x 3 asimov asimov     50 Dec 24  2014 doc
-rw-r--r-- 1 asimov asimov  75538 Dec 24  2014 Doxyfile
drwxr-xr-x 4 asimov asimov     65 Dec 24  2014 linux
-rw-r--r-- 1 asimov asimov    325 Dec 24  2014
drwxr-xr-x 4 asimov asimov    101 Dec 24  2014 macosx
-rwxr-xr-x 1 asimov asimov   1549 May 11  2017 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 asimov asimov    701 Dec 24  2014 NEWS
drwxr-xr-x 2 asimov asimov   1803 May 11  2017 obj
-rwxr-xr-x 1 asimov asimov    197 Mar 25 21:44 opentyrian
-rwxr-xr-x 1 asimov asimov 481160 Mar 25 20:57 ot
-rw-r--r-- 1 asimov asimov   1816 Dec 24  2014 README
drwxr-xr-x 3 asimov asimov    929 Mar 25 21:25 sdl12comp
drwxr-xr-x 2 asimov asimov   1800 Dec 24  2014 src

I also attach a screenshot of the game running.


  • ot.png
    252.9 KB · Views: 83
Oh, have you just tried going to Start New Game, going to the Options menu and setting it to full screen? Likely old appdata has it set to run in a window, which will still work as intended.

Edit: you can also disable any 2x or 3x scalars to improve performance as opengl does a ton better job than software scaling.
Hi all,

@TrashyMG : thanks for this new package, really appreciated.

It appears I'm on the same boat as @asimov-solensan : the game runs windowed on my up-to-date Pyra.

The DBP I get through DBP installer is OpenTyrian_C4ALL.dbp, without the "-1.0" suffix.

I tried again after removing both the appdata folder and the package but to no avail.

The options menu in-game also lacks the full screen option and the 2x / 3x scalars.

The appdata folder remains empty after leaving the game, there are no settings there.

Cheers, Magic Sam
Okay... do you guys have gl4es installed?

At work, so I don't have the exact package name, but if you apt search for it you will likely find it, it's a pyra specific debian package I though was installed by default.

also there has to be a full screen option, as I have toggled that feature. It may not be in the main menu, but if you start a game, there is option on the menu after starting a game.

Maybe just hit ALT + ENTER?


When I get home from work I will delete everything and re-download to see if I see the issue.
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Yes libgl-gl4es-pyra is already installed on my unit, package version:

ALT + ENTER does the trick btw.

Cheers, Magic Sam
Yes libgl-gl4es-pyra is already installed on my unit, package version:

ALT + ENTER does the trick btw.

Cheers, Magic Sam
so I assume it's working as intended, should be getting good speeds, properly scaled to the screen.

It looks like it's writing the config files to the regular user's home and not the appdata directory, that is something I'll need to fix.
Yes, I confirm what Magic Sam says alt+enter gets you full screen. And options menu lack the options you mention.
Yes, I confirm what Magic Sam says alt+enter gets you full screen. And options menu lack the options you mention.
Yeah I was going on memory as I was at work, it's in the "Opentyrian" menu option in the main menu.
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