OpenPandora - Crap Game Competition 2013

How would you recommend I (a nooby dev) do this?
Make a PXML file and a game icon and put it in your game folder with all your other files

From the terminal type the following commands

> mksquashfs . ../game.sfs

> cat ../game.sfs PXML.xml Game.png > ../game.pnd
and then copy the PND to your /media/sdcard/pandora/menu to test it works, and upload to repo.
If you run Windows, Foxblock's PND Tools is also just as useful and can do the whole thing (including creating the PXML file)
Is there a 1/2-star to choose? This game totally sucks @$$. 1-star rating is too much, but I got no other option but to rate it 1-star. :)
Thanks for great review!
Very welcome.  Good luck! :)
For me it was 5 star rating. In the end Santas has 3 stars right now.

BTW. I rate this game from idea-side, not execution .. and for me its 5 stars. Killing santa by using his own present box is PERFECT. 

Good game isnt only mechanics and good graphics. Good/uncommon idea is a 51% success. If you'll look at this from the idea-side the game could be a nice Line Runner clone, if game gets extra polish. 

BTW. The voting for games will be in new topic and will be created after 15 of december, so repo-rating isnt count. 
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I've now been able to reproduce the bug commander-beef reported. No need to send me the log file anymore (unless somebody finds a different bug).

Trying to find a fix soon.


Santa's Super Christmas Challenge updated again.

Hopefully fixed the bug reported by commandeer-beef, where game crashes when a box hits you and you have a new high score. (Can you confirm if this works for you now?)

I think this may have had something to do with file permissions and/or having the high score file in both PND and the appdata folder. It worked fine on my ext4 card but crashed the game on a fat32 card.

Also added a suicide button (A).

If you exit the game by pressing esc when you have a new high score, the high score does not get saved. If you want the high score to get saved, you must first quit the current game by pressing the suicide button and then exit the game. (It would probably have made more sense to just save the high score when you press esc though.)
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Well, I've completed my entry, which also happens to be the first thing I've coded on the Pandora in six months.

It's a compendium of 10 classic games, exclusively for the Pandora. So you get a massive TEN crap games in one shockingly bad .PND. Bargain!

It's loosely based on the notorious  "Cascade Cassette 50" tapes for the old 8-bit machines of yesteryear.

I say Bad, you say Good, Good Bad or Bad Good Bad Good Bad Bad Good Bad GOod Bad.  I'm confused!  BAd! :)  no Good..... But Bad but Good  :lol:
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56500 points in MeteorStorm. Yeah, I'm crazy.


13371000 points in RallyChase! Oh yeah, I'm good!
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Can you update the first page to add repo download links to all entries? That way they are all in one place. We can't have people missing these "golden games" :P
I'll bung in a full £10 of British chocolate and treats to the winner (to be posted after New Year so as to avoid postal problems).
It should be 75p and a packet of Rolos, if we're sticking to the traditional CGC.

Yeah, but I figured that something a bit more deserving could help the cause. I know it's really only for the fun of it but it might motivate a few more people to enter something.
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I might have to try out some of this utter crap on my pandora.

Can someone make an evil platformer. Bugs where you fall through platforms. Random unpredictable deaths and patethically jerky animation. And an umbrella. Dumb fella and his super umbrella...
Anyone tried my game yet (I will do a pnd eventually, but  I'm still working out how to do PXML)?
I might have something coming if I'll get it to some state in time. Or maybe I'll just release it in the state it happens to be in at deadline :P