Open Ttd For Gp2x


Don't be evil!
Oct 23, 2003
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zodttd just ported openttd (RIGHT THATS TRANSPORT TYCOON!) to the gp2x, iam dieing right now, is that hot or what? :)
If the one who did it reads that, you are a damn genious, i love you and so on, this is one of my favurite childhood and alltime games, i still play it regulairy, and now its on my gp2x, i am stunnded :)
zodttd is a miracle worker who also made a tremendously good psx emulator on the zodiac (considering its hardware)

If he keeps up development along these lines he will be a gp32 guru in no time!
There's plenty of work to be done on this port, so if there's an overall want for this game, let me know and I'll keep working on it.

is this a trick question?
of course we want this game (at least me) that are absolutely amazing news!

i can't wait to get my gp2x, i hope it will arrive in december.
i wait for the official release date before i get my gp2x, and downloading and playing a stable release of this game immediately after would realy make my day.

is this a trick question?
of course we want this game (at least me) that are absolutely amazing news!

zodttd, do it or i'll kill you with chainsaws... big, hungry, rabid chainsaws... ;)

wellcome to the community.
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There's plenty of work to be done on this port, so if there's an overall want for this game, let me know and I'll keep working on it.

is this a trick question?
of course we want this game (at least me) that are absolutely amazing news!

i can't wait to get my gp2x, i hope it will arrive in december.

I am also very pleased with these news. What better way to kill time when you're sitting on an actual train than to design transport routes? Transport Tycoon is such a great game and these news make me want to buy a GP2X.
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Wow, I'm so happy... *looks at the source on his PC* should've got to work quicker on this one, thats another plan down the tube... lol, nice to see lots of stuff popping up for the GP2X, looks like I'm going to be a very happy man with this purchase :D
Please take in consideration FREE CIV.. :)
Not now ... ok..we ca wait ...
It should be a great game on Gp2X

God bless Gp2X
Thanks again Mr. GURU
Just got it working.

The controls do take a lot of getting used to but they are good when done. The pan scrolling is a bit tricky- it seems as though you have to rotate the stick to get it to go to a certain screen.
Havent really played TT before so am just getting used to the game at the moment.

Looks great though.
Thanks very much Zodttd
It`s great but I hope there will be an option in the next version to let the gp2x scale the screen. I hate switching between 4 screen parts because of the higher resolution - makes me not enjoying the game :(