open source circuit modelling and simulating software


Very Active Member
May 15, 2012
It's called SmartSim, I saw it on the raspberry pi site and I tried it out. It's very cool.

It would also be really cool if someone (with more knowledge or time than me) could make a Pandora build of it. ;)
Compiling now... so far so good.

EDIT: works!, just need to clean up the PXML and package a proper PND, then I'll upload it to the Repo..
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Yeah it's easy when it compiles properly on the first go.

Edit: well, maybe a slight issue.. displaying some items like buffers AND gates and other logic seem to be displaying as blank.. maybe something with gtk..
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I figured it wouldn't be very difficult, since it was made with the raspberry pi in mind
Edit: well, maybe a slight issue.. displaying some items like buffers AND gates and other logic seem to be displaying as blank.. maybe something with gtk..
They are svg graphics, maybe it has something to do with that
Edit: well, maybe a slight issue.. displaying some items like buffers AND gates and other logic seem to be displaying as blank.. maybe something with gtk..
They are svg graphics, maybe it has something to do with that

Yeah I think that's the case, I have those libraries included.. maybe I will compile it with a newer version.
Odd it's only some of the vector graphics that are not showing..

Updating to the current librsvg libraries would be a mess of recompiling everything from glibc to gtk3+.. blah.
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so which ones aren't showing, are any of the built-in components showing?
Actually the Majority of the symbols show, it's just a select few things that don't like the AND, OR Gates and Buffer symbols.. The rest of the software seems functional.
Hmm, what's interesting is I can't get the SVG graphics loaded in any image viewer even ones that support it.. The same files work with the same image viewers in regular X86 linux.. are the SVG libraries actually working?

I can release what I have working now..

There are example circuits in the /mnt/utmp/SmartSim/Examples directory..

outside the SVG graphics not showing, it runs perfect otherwise.
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I seem to have found the problem.

At first I thought svgs weren't working like you said but then I exported an svg from smartsim and I could see the pins.

Then I was zooming in on it with ristretto and I noticed a fuzzy and gate shape.

So I opened smartsim again and made a and gate and zoomed in and sure enough there it is, just really small.

after playing around with the .info files it seems that the size attribute has no effect, hence why they are small.

I editted the svgs and sized them up by about 750% and they are now around the right size I also had to change the position a bit in the .info files

Edit: now the buffer and tristate are too big though and they are pointing the wrong way, I should be able to fix that in the svgs though
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Ok I have them all fixed, except they are a little bit off.

It works as long as you don't have OCD ;)


I haven't re-PNDed it but if you want I can upload the folder with the modified .svg and .info files.
Didn't think It would be something simple like this, I figured something was broken in the SVG Libraries...

I could either take your modified files and repackage, wouldn't even take a minute to repackage the PND and I already straightened out the PXML to upload properly to the repo, which I didn't do yet in the PND I shared... or you could, but you would need to modify the PXML to be repo complaint.

Just let me know which is quicker.
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