open letter to Pandora Hard/Software development


May 31, 2011
Cyberia (Wels Austria)
Dear Pandora Community

I recently had an opportunity to fly from Linz Austria to my home area of San Francisco California. You know it is funny that I can get on a machine and spend 18 hours of my life traveling many 1,000s of miles and be anything other then completely elated or in awe at the wonders of modern living. Alas I'm human and that seems to imply that i have a short memory and somewhat myopic view and demand to be entertained even as the manifestations of countless generations is going off around me. So i booted up my Pandora. I turned on my music with the program Deadbeef. At the same time i turned on the NES emulator and played many games from my youth. It turns out I'm not nearly as good at Duck tales as I though i was, and cant seem to find all the heart pieces in the legend of Zelda anymore.

The battery held up fantastically, the software for the emulator executed flawlessly, and the music came through loud and clear. It was a remarkable experience. The hours passed by very quickly and the combined efforts of all the engineers from the Wright brothers to the development team for the A380 I was a passenger on were completely dwarfed by the magic black box within my hands.

I eagerly await new software and further development with the hardware available. With sincerity, I want to thank any and all who have written a line of software for the Pandora or spent time building or designing the hardware. I would hope that any person who is activly working with this product who is having a hard day understand that their work is appreciated and well used. Perhaps should my life calm down a bit I would be able to be more then just a cheerleader but in the timeless words of April O'neil in the dam level of ninja turtles for the NES "You have my support" :lol:

There needs to be a 'LIKE' box for these forums (not facebook) so when I read something like this, I can show the author that I 'like' it without having to type all this (thus making the thread grow for no reason etc). I am sure that the developers appreciate your spending 5 mins to let them know their work is appreciated! Good stuff!

I think you've just summed up the whole point of having a Pandora much more succinctly than I ever could.
Very nicely put sir
Well said.

And to put it another's no longer possible for me to leave the house without considering the paramount need to carry my pandora with me. Hell, who needs house keys anyway!
There needs to be a 'LIKE' box for these forums (not facebook) so when I read something like this, I can show the author that I 'like' it without having to type all this (thus making the thread grow for no reason etc).
I disagree. Instead of writing this post Halcyon could also have pressed the 'LIKE' button. If you want to show appreciation to a developer or poster it is much better to take a bit of time to write it down than to increase a meaningless counter.

Halcyon, I couldn't agree more with you. Well put.
I couldn't agree more. My job means that I take a lot of long haul flights (from UK to Las Vegas, Taiwan, Japan and Greece in the last 5 weeks) and the Pandora has transformed the experience for me! It is truly an amazing little device, I caught up with 'Being Human', played a ton of old favourites and hours of Super Geometry Dust, and the Pandora battery held up perfectly.

The only real disappointment, is my SGD high score, I couldn't quite break the half million point.
Nice to know there are other Austrian Pandora users out there (Wien, Reprazent!)
I think it was a jokey reference to the Hakmanplayer / Craig's car / Alleged Nazi sympathies of the project episode.
I'm adding my words to support and thanks to Openpandora developers. I'm very glad for such project that go trough thorny bush and give as an HW - uncompromisingly tuned for enthusiasts. No commercial shit in shiny cover with limited support and/or lifespan.

Thank You very much!
