Development on Pandora

Well I'm currently devving in Python and Pygame. Still pretty beginner like so Python and pygame is pretty ace to dev on.

Thanks for posting this. I think I may jump ship to SDL soon as Pygame runs dog slow on the Pandora and I'm sure it'll be useful then.
I'm setting my dev environment(s) up just now...

The tools I use I've released ( the Extends stuff and Debian booting from SD ) for others to benefit.. but as they were primarily for my own mucking about, they do tend to be "a bit scary" ;)

That said, no-one really gives me much feedback for how to improve things, so they'll be left super scary looking till that happens! :P

( The Extend Utils suite is due for an overhaul soon anyway.. so best get your ideas in now while I have time and taking suggestions. )

For the most part though, I tend to use an SD card with a rootfs configured on it for devving.. much simpler, but can be a pain in the arse for testing on "vanilla" Angstrom as I have to reboot ( reason why I did the Extends stuff in the first place.. )

I'm in the process of writing up the first couple of parts of a series I'll be doing every week, on building an engine geared towards use on the Pandora with a nod to extension for other platforms. I'll edit this post with the link once it's done.
I was using sebt3's VM and cross-compiling.. But now I just do all the compiling on the device itself. I have a nice text editor (Coda on Mac, for anyone wondering) which has built-in SFTP browsing. So I edit the files (after saving this editor pushes the updated file to the Pandora automatically), compile via SSH, and run on the Pandora. Pretty nice, and actually faster I think, because with cross-compiling I had to transfer any compiled binaries over to the Pandora to try running it. I'm really liking this setup. :)
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1:geany - for actually writing the code

2:terminal - for compiling/testing on host (as most things are cross platform, and you always need a terminal to hand :P

3:sftp client - open in the source folder on the pandora, so it's 1 click or so to transfer changes (mounting the filesystem also works, i just find using sftp easier)

4:terminal - ssh-ed to the pandora, ready to compile

network is done either over wireless(locks up for a minute sometimes), or for longer dev sessions usb, pandora is usually running on battery, as leaving itsat on the charger 24/7 would be bad

(hmm, maybe some form of fake battery circuit to fool the pandora into turning on without it, first one did by itself, this one won't >.<)
Thanks for responses so far. It is interesting to see how people are developing for their Pandora. I'm also keeping my eye out for any nice linux IDEs that pop up in this discussion. I am probably pretty used to Codeblocks atm but that is just because that happens to be the one I have used from the start. I guess some of these ideas could make it into a newbie developer guide section on the wiki, or anywhere else?
I'm using the 'bollocks' method, and compiling onboard, while mounting my developer share over sshfs from the pandora to my main linux system, where I run my editor (vim) and I have my makefiles set up so that when I type 'make' on my main linux PC (non-pandora), the make is executed remotely on the Pandora .. things like error-line jumps still work in vim (like normal) and so on .. for the most part I don't even bother to think that the code is being built elsewhere, it has the same feel as if I were just developing directly on my Linux box ..
my IDE of choice is dreamweaver :P or notpad but my developing is web developing (html, css, javascrip, jquery, php).
my IDE of choice is dreamweaver :P or notpad but my developing is web developing (html, css, javascrip, jquery, php).

Couldn't agree more, for web stuff I have also been using DW for a number of years, but my copy is now very old MX :( !