Omg Cooool Prices At Pcworld

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i used to be a download maniac

after three letters from the MPAA i've been scared off!

so many films i want to see but would never pay to see, MPAA have put the fear of god up me for sure!
Just bough one from ebuyer - and the bugger is, I used to work for PC world, so I probably would have got another 10% or so off if I'd whinged at my former manager :P

ah well...
MPAA are asses!

I have never recieved a letter, but I mostly only D/L games, The last movie I did was a VCD of Shrek, which turned out to be in German :( .
I was asked to download Shrek once and got the english version by accident, there must be some spiritual force connecting us ;)

The price for hard drives.... that`s quite normal here in Germany. Nothing to be excited about. My 160 GB drive was 70€ (new one, mind you, not from ebay or some yard sale).
Im probably gonna get a Job in PCWorld in the PC Clinic bit :D hehe..
Really? I wouldn't bother. Shite pay for shite all the time from customers. You may enjoy it for a bit, but you wont last long before you're looking for something else. I was a technician there for almost two years, and I soon got sick of all the crap. I was expected to sell people stuff they didn't need, and that was against my ethos. Also, they seem to have been phasing out technicians, so you may not even be taken on as a technician, and would be more likely to be paid a normal shite salesperson's wage.

If you aint got any other choice, then go for it, but keep your options open!

Rant over :P
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