"old Fart" Gp32 Owner & Newbie...davey Fontan


Still Fresh
Jun 3, 2004
London , England
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Hi Guys - Girls :blink: ,
Well I,m new to the gp32_console GP32 , only getting mine in London 3 days ago.
I love it , its great and i,m learning more about it all the time.
HOWEVER at 44 years old , i RESENT being put in the OLD FART class in the "HOW OLD ARE YOU" poll.
Couldn,t you have had a couple of older catergories and then i might not have felt so bad , but i,m the ONLY old fart that has voted so far.
BUT , seeing as all you young whippersnappers are so BRIGHT , SMART & COOL , i expect some respect and help when i ask you stupid questions , IF i get stuck with something concerning my GP32.
DON'T shout at me to check out the FAQ , or you will all feel the wrath of my stick about your ears . (Thats as long as my pacemaker is behaving itself)
But Seriously, This Gamepark Unit is great , it means i can carry all my photo's with me to show family and friends , i can put my camcorder video on it using the DIVX capabilities and i can listen to Mozart wherever i am.
And thats BEFORE i play my beloved master system , megadrive and SNES games.
I am impressed and pay homage to all you guys who have ported such great things over.
I,m sure their are other older GP32 users out there.
Take care kids and if i need help , i'll shout.
All the Best,
Davey Fontan...
meh that whole age thing is in your mind alone... :D

don't use "wippersnapper" though, as it's not "wonky" anymore XDDDDD
The old fart category was just a piece of humour, so you shouldn't be upset by this. There are many sarcasm lovers in this forum (I'm in). :lol:
Seriously, GP32 community has nothing to do with age, there are young ones, middle-aged ones, old ones, but hey it's a forum, we won't see your head neither your real birthdate if you post a message. In fact that does not matter. Here, we're only united by a passion, GP32 and it's a wonderful community.
Welcome daveyfontan!

I am relatively new to the GP32 community myself, and am certainly not in my teens (I'm 31). As many have said already, age is quite irrelevant, the GP32 is for anyone and everyone! There are a great deal of helpful people here, and I am sure you will be able to find answers to many of your questions.

Not sure if I can be any help yet though, as I am waiting on my BLU. Nevertheless, by the time I get it, I'll have amassed everything I plan to put on my SMC. Hope you enjoy your GP32 and the community as well!

hey and welcome to the gp32 community! its good that a whole veriety of ages are bcoming interested in the GP! have fun! and remember to spread the word about it at your bingo club gramps! :P
Im sorry....

twas I that started that poll. I'm only 15 and I anything over 21 is an Old fart to me. So Ive decided that anyone over 21 is officially a gp32 "old fart" and anyone 5-20 is a mid-life gp32rrrr and anyone 1-4 is a gp32 young gun. Now you are not left out mister 40 year old.

Let me repeat:

21 years old and up: "old fart" gp32rrr

5-20 years old: "Middleage" gp32rrrr

1-4 years old: "Young gun" gp32rrrr
Thank you Davey you've taken the crown as the official GP32 old fart from me. Im 40 at the end of the June.

Don't worry though mate there are plenty of GP32 peeps in their mid to late thirties :)

Thought I was one of the oldest (38). Nice to see some dudes more my age who grew up with the classic computers and systems.I for one am glad I was born when I was cause I got to see computers evolve from 8 bit calculators (mk14 anyone?) to the cool systems we got today than can emulate all the old systems we grew up with.
I remember being fifteen, its a dificult age, all those spots, exams and trying to buy drink from the local off licence with fake ID we'll forgive you $elementchen$ :lol:
You summed up my life perfectly razzy. You only left out my girl....
my gp32. (Im such a dork)

How was the girly situation for all you gp32rrrrs back when you were teens?
Truthfully its going ok for me. I just moved from Cali to Boston and all of the
ladys are going crazy over my tan bod. It dosent even bother me that they have a little peach fuzz here and there and have more than one chin.....................lol.