Ok I've Had Enough

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For the hair, the best way is to open the case and grab it from the other side.

Joystick, get a cap from DaveC

I would recommend storing it away for a while (the value isn't going to drop) and keep an eye on what comes out or updated. Considering it's only been out for 2-3 months, it's done pretty well.
For the hair, the best way is to open the case and grab it from the other side.

Joystick, get a cap from DaveC

I would recommend storing it away for a while (the value isn't going to drop) and keep an eye on what comes out or updated. Considering it's only been out for 2-3 months, it's done pretty well.

ya think you are right.

I tried various stick mods - the 'bit of paper' works well for the action and the 'gamecube controller top' worked great until it fell off and my son swallowed it :blink:

i did get the hair out but scratched casing in the process. not the end of the world but bloody annoying again all the same.
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Well, I am sorry that you don't like the gift from your wife as much as most other people do (or you would like too). But there's nothing we, you or your wife can do about. I have to admit that the gp2x is more for fiddling.
Yet, it's good that you wont abandon the gp2x forever. Just wait a few months, watch what's coming out, maybe you'll have more fun, then. And about your son swallowing your Gamecube controller top:
How did it taste? :P

@everyone bashing away:

it's not nice to flame people for stating their oppinion. If you don't have anything usefull to contribute, stare at a wall and keep yourself from writing in a forum.
It's a bit interesting that a lot of these types of threads are coming up recently...

I'd just like to point out that, while it's debateable, it's still in an 'early adopter' stage, officially, and I for one (though I can't help but feel peeved that Lik-sang isn't sendind one to me till March) am a bit happy that I'm getting my unit later because of things like this.. I think I'm better prepared once people have worked out the major things, and the community's almost there. So I see it looking nowhere than up from here.
@everyone bashing away:

it's not nice to flame people for stating their oppinion. If you don't have anything usefull to contribute, stare at a wall and keep yourself from writing in a forum.

Seconded. It doesnt help anything. At the moment i'd say that the gp2x is still in a very developmental stage, I'm still waiting for the killer emus to get really tweaked and optimised and have GUI's added. SquidgeSNES is looking very promising, and the excellent Amstrad CPC emulator, Caprice, has just had its first port. Things are slowly but steadily getting better. Suits me. Just watching new things appearing and getting better is half the fun i think. :)
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I'm confused as to why everybody says the GP2X is meant to be a PSP clone; it looks nothing like a PSP.

And I'm not going to flame here, it's your opinion, you stand by it.
"compared to running mame on a pc with an x-arcade controller it kinda sucks"

compared to running HL2 on my 40" projection screen with 5.1 and 3D shutterglasses the PSP kinda sucks too... but I can't exactly carry it on the bus... know what I mean?

this looks like trolling to me, some one's not happy, well bad luck for them... try playing games on a pocket pc, and see if you still feel the same, the toshiba PDA I had was totally unusable for games because of it's controller, and had a non-swappable battery with a 2 hour play life

More to the point, no one is hiding the defects in the small print... this isn't like buying a product and finding they've hidden all the defects, last I saw gp2x.co.uk had a link to this forum on it, if you've read this forum, from day one every defect was known and announced, and it was well known that this was a first release, and that there could be problems, I ordered in november myself, and knew all the defects and risks before the product actually shipped.... If I wasn't happy with the risk, I'd have cancelled ages ago.

Oh, and I've got a Nintendo DS... doesn't get used since I got my GP2x... so you've not missed much there.
Probably in reference with PSP Homebrew

But as I see it, the PSP homebrew scene is dying.. I mean the hyped PSIX dashboard has a price for it.. WTF IS UP WITH THAT! Along with mainly LUA apps/games being released, good grief it's starting to turn into a joke..
@everyone bashing away:

it's not nice to flame people for stating their oppinion. If you don't have anything usefull to contribute, stare at a wall and keep yourself from writing in a forum.
This thread was nothing useful to begin with. Anyone who comes in and makes a big deal about how "it's not what I expected! I wish I'd never gotten it!" deserves to be flamed to hell. Threads like these serve no real purpose other than to stir up shit anyway.
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I got my gp2x when it was released and have not been keen on it. But I just think of what potential it has and the firmware updates should fix everything.
I love my gp2x, at least its a unique thing to have.
The only downside is that it wont accept my 1gb sd, and my cameras wont format it... must be faulty. Luckily i can use my parents 256 in it untill i return it and get a new one. :lol:

If you have managed to get a callous then you must have been playing something for a hell of a long time which sounds like you were having fun to me, either that or to misquote Tom Baker in Blackadder "you have a womans thumb! I'll wager that thumb's been kept in a dark place and never seen the light of day"

Maybe you want to go and play Nintendogs personally I would rather play my PC engine shooters, the C64 back catalogue, the Vic 20 back catalogue, the ST back catalogue and some MP3's all on one tiny SD memory card.

As for being difficult to use - if you can't read a readme file, add files to an SD card with Windows explorer or put batteries in then maybe - otherwise you are whining about nothing.

As you have been playing mame etc. I credit you with some intelligence but if you thought you were getting an AA powered 3Ghz Pentium then you must be very poorly informed. I think you can only blame one person for that type of ignorance.
IMO, it's nothing but plain stupidity to complain about a product which still isn't officially released. I'll wait for the officiall release before I'll buy mine. And, truely, you seem to have nobody else than yourself to blame for many of your problems :P.
Its amazing how many retards are posting on this forum (as in 99% od people that replyed to this thread)

You all suck so much GP2X cock that you make yourselfs look silly every time you speak, most of you dont even know what your talking about.

Your all sheep, the forum wolfs should be leading and setting examples but they leave the forum to decay into pointless fights and arguments.

GP2X community ??? this is more like a bunch of kids hanging about outside spar !!!

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