Ok, I Appear To Have Bricked My Gp2x


Still Fresh
Dec 27, 2006
Ok, This kind us sucks... In the middle of upgrading my firmware, the batteries died. When booting, nothing happens, besides the power light going on. From what I have seen in un-bricking guides, this means no hope. Is there anyway for me to send it back to the company or something so they can reflash the firmware/bootloader, whatever is missing/damaged? I am desperate at this point, really don't want this to become a very expensive paperweight.

Any help will be appreciated.
I'm pretty sure it's always possible to fix a bricked gp2x. But without a B.O.B. You'll probably have to send it off to someone. Where did you buy it? If it's from a 'non offical' retailer, your best bet is to ask Evil Dragon really politely :)
if you had firmware above 2.0.0 you should be able to flash it again copy files to root of sd and hold start+select to initiate flashing
nope, didn't work... the only thing that happens when I boot is the green power LED turns on.