ogg or wma with GPCinema?


Washo 4 evr
Oct 3, 2003
France (Marseille)
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Im making a lot of divX for the GP32 (GPcinema) but I think MP3 is too large due to the 128Mb of a SMC.
I know that with this version of GPCinema others than MP3 cant be used but I wanted to know if someone could "crack" this software or maybe we will have to wait for an update...
see you ;)
yeah, I use mono all the time, and it is still stereo! I put my ear up to both speakers and sound came out of both! cool, huh?
Whether you encode in mono or stereo the size would still be the same because it always uses that bitrate (32kbit/s or whatever). The quality of the sound may be slightly better in mono, because both channels are the same and therefore less differences to take into account, but the size is dependant on the bitrate. Jace
zboy9 posted on Oct 4 2003 at 11:19 PM said:
ear up to both speakers and sound came out of both! cool, huh?
Yess...it would..... :):P:)
Mono just means the same sound comes out of both :)

And making a MP3 mono cuts the file size in half, so i'd guess that it would have a similer effect.
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