Gpcinema Sometimes Resets Gp32...


Still Fresh
Jun 4, 2004
Sorry if this has been asked before. I've got the free version of GPCinema on my GP32, but I've found some movie files crash it. I've followed a couple of different guides to reencoding the files using VirtualDub, and I've tried the XVid and DivX 4.12 codecs that are linked from the Entware site, along with various bit rates (from 100kbps DivX to 192kbps XVid, constant bitrate) but still some files crash it :( Oh, I normally use 120MHz (although the same problem happens on other clock speeds) and 32, 40 or 48kbps 22050Hz MP3 for the audio. I'm using the beta international BIOS.

Not all videos, just some, and they don't tend to crash it right away-it's normally at the same point each time, some videos it's near the beginning, others it's near the end, but it seems like there's something in the file GPCinema doesn't like. I'm currently using it to view AMVs so it's just a bit inconvenient, but it would be so annoying if I was watching something longer and it conked out :P Can anyone suggest what might be causing the problem? I've checked the batteries and tried it with the frontlight on and off (in case the increased power drain from the light was somehow upsetting it!)


EDIT: Sorry, for some reason I didn't notice the GPCinema Help forum :unsure:
It's most likely corrupt frames I rekon. Take a mental note of where the video crashes. Then open it in the latest version of virtualdub. Take the pointer to the part where the video crashes gpcinema and tap the "right" key (-->) and check the frames around that section. If some appear corrupt, mark the start of the corrupt section with the button that looks like the top half of an arrow pointing left. Then take the pointer to the end and mark the end of the corrupt section by clicking the button that looks like the top half of an arrow pointing right. Now go "Edit"--->"Mask selected frames". Then set video and audio to direct stream copy and save the avi.

Another way to do it is to click "Video"--->"Scan video stream for errors". But this doesn't seem to sort in most cases for me anyway.

See if that works. I might be way off but give it a go B).
make sure it's encoded correctly, because if you're trying to run a moviepark video with gpcinema, it'll restart the gp32.
I'va had axactly the same problem.

I tried EVERY setting and all, after a while i read a topic about the pc link corrupting larger files!!

I downloaded phodrive (usb mass program) and uploade my movies with this program instead of with pclink.

EVERY movie that didnt word earlier worked then :D

BTW phodive is alway a good choice as you don't even have to rename your files to dos 8 char names.
Thanks for the advice. I'd tried scanning the files for errors in VDub and they were coming out fine, I put the SMC in my reader and scanned the file from there, 34 frames "good but undecodable", 1 frame "bad." <_< I'll try phodrive later, or could I use my USB card reader? I noticed in the GP32 manual it said something about not all of them conforming to standards or something like that. I've tried it and had no problems before, is it likely to cause problems later on?

Thanks again!
I believe that pc link only damages files larger than "X" bytes.

And most files aren't that vulnerable to errors (mp's, BMP etc)
But gpcinema chokes on almost every error, so the avi's must be 100% check.

I guess that your usb cardreader should work too...
But i havnt tested it yet.

good luck

* 15-june Holland-Germany 10-0 *
Well, phodrive seems to have fixed it. And I can play Giana's Return, it used to crash straight away but now it works fine (I thought it might be incompatible with the firmware :P) I've had a few programs that didn't work before, I'll retry some of them in case they were corrupted.