that brazilian guy =`]
I'm starting an orkut community for pandora users to get in touch and for more people to know about it...
See it here: Pandora - OpenPandora
As orkut is much more popular in Brazil than in other places, I'm probably going to keep the main language as portuguese, but I may make it dual-language if people here would like to participate (anyone with orkut can join it now!)
the "official" part is self-proclaimed
although I really want to keep it nice and updated to spread the word!
Se você é brasileiro, entre nela! Se você é um membro daqui, fale comigo para virar moderador
See it here: Pandora - OpenPandora
As orkut is much more popular in Brazil than in other places, I'm probably going to keep the main language as portuguese, but I may make it dual-language if people here would like to participate (anyone with orkut can join it now!)
the "official" part is self-proclaimed
Se você é brasileiro, entre nela! Se você é um membro daqui, fale comigo para virar moderador