GP2X Office On Gp2x

gp2x + openoffice + powered hub + usb folding keyboard + tv = word processor?
There would be a few advantages to that, the most obvious being...

- MUCH cheaper in the long run compared to a full blown PDA
- Software wouldn't cost an arm and a leg
- MUCH smaller than a full laptop
- Needs a LOT less processing power to use, so you don't even need to clock past 66MHz, I'd estimate
- We as an open source community would get to decide what is needed in a portable office application.
- As new features were added, they could be added without HUGE updates, worries about product keys
- As newer firmware features were added, the programs could use them to their fullest advantage. (LCD tweak/ Battery monitor/ External Clock/ USB keyboard or keypad/ GPS system/ Barcode reader/ Printer Interface)

The more portable a computer work environment is, the more versatile it becomes.
Probably lots more pluses and perks I've not even thought of.
why don't use the EdgeWrite system to write using the joystick?
at least in case an USB keyboard isn't detected... it would be neat, by example, to have an edgeWrite enabled IDE so you can develop GP2X apps on the GP2X itself...
Dasher would be cool - uses gnome libraries though. It might be possible to add an SDL front end

Edit: Just reading the Dasher development info and found this:

Porting Dasher

The Dasher code consists of two main sections - a platform independent core, and a platform dependent interface. The core has been written with portability in mind and so should build on most platforms with a modern C++ compiler. Note that Dasher currently requires the Expat XML parsing library to read alphabet definition files - for embedded platforms, it may be desirable to replace the AlphIO functionality with simpler code rather than port or include Expat.

The platform dependent interface code is responsible for passing user input to the Dasher core and displaying the Dasher canvas and outputting text. Documentation for how the interface should communicate with the core may be found here
I originally wanted to affirm that me to, I am a huge fan of this idea... but anyhow...

Ok guys, who is going to rewrite OpenOffice in ARM Assembler? *lol*