Offical Tv-out Cable


What does this do again?
Jan 4, 2006
UK, Near London, somewhere...
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Hello all,

Can anyone cofirm or deny that the pinouts (when looking at the solder tag side) of the offical TV-Out cable (mine was brought from is the same as a Samsung E810 connector?
As seen Here on the WIKI

Remaking my BOB from a "developer" version and I can't get the USB working at all, I believe I have the connections on the plug wrong, but I can't relly tell. Far to much wiring from the TV cables in the way.

Are the pins removable from the connector? If they are, remove a few and make sure that the missing pins on the other side are located at the pins that you expect. Use the EXT port schematic as reference as to which pins should be which:

good luck!
BattleCattle posted on Aug 2 2006 at 06:09 AM said:
Are the pins removable from the connector? If they are, remove a few and make sure that the missing pins on the other side are located at the pins that you expect.

Now that's a good idea!
I thought I was going to be able to tell from which pins are already in use in the TVOut cable itself, alas that was not to be as I couldn't manipulate the connector that well (large fingers, small connector :) )
I'll have a look tonight at the plug, see if I can remove any pins.

My current BOB is running, although I nicked the cable off my development version for now!

BattleCattle posted on Aug 2 2006 at 06:09 AM said:
good luck!
Thanks, I may just be needing that.

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