

Still Fresh
I am a 13 year old kid. I downloaded Numo thinking it was a "good puzzle game" and played it. I just pushed start, didn't change any modes and there is a picture a girl without cloths. I never knew this i thought it was some good puzzle game. I should have read gbax's description first. :eek:
Errhh A Female...with no clothes on...whats sick about that. Its all good :), you have some issues boy, maybe you would have prefered...a man perhaps. ;)
Oh my, is there really something under the clothes women wear? I thought they were born with the clothes...are they green or purple under it? :blink:
Yep, my thoughts exactly. Bloody youth of busy playing video games ;)
Well, 90% of 'net content is porn, so if you go check your mail, and then head here, this is porn, by force of statistics.
I loaded VMS wild about animals and there was a naked squirrell


This forum should be shut down
the only game brewn at my country has naked women (and sexy cats) on it! how cool are we?

i'm sorry for blu+ users. arda (the maker of the game) doesn't show up on the boards these days. also i can't remember his website URL. anyone?