Nuclearchess Port


Still Fresh
I tried to port nuclearchess game. You may download it here:,0,0,0,25,586

"NuclearChess is a chess variant. Whenever a piece is captured, both pieces and all pieces on neighbour fields die. Games are short and fun even for people who usually don't play chess."

Also, I succesfully port "play" program (sox), for playing FLAC music files in caanoo, now I try to make GUI for it.
Also, I succesfully port Deminor game (minesweeper clone), but it in beta stage (controls not comfortable).
Also, I succesfully port fcalc program (calculator from Wiz).
If anybody interesting about play program, fcalc, or Deminor, write me there, I port there for traning=)
P.S. Sorry for my bad English, I am from Russia.
P.P.S. If anybody knows good linux game for port candidate, or have problems with porting (configuring, etc) any game, write me. I hope I can help in some situations.
yeah....sounds awesome. are there any betas for the mentioned games?

try to port xmoto ;)
Thorax said:
yeah....sounds awesome. are there any betas for the mentioned games? — yoiu should add gfx from Wiz version. Left shoulder - shift for right-click where you touch screen. - usage ./play filename.flac or ./play *.flac. You may write commands in .gpe file started with !#/bin/sh - fcalc. Just run it from Explorer.
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